Tuesday, May 30, 2006



If you've expressed gratitude to your senators for voting NO on S-2611, you may have missed a sneaky trick they pulled along with my Senator Jon Kyl (AZ).

Check how they voted on cloture of 2611--they voted YES to bring the bill to a Senate floor vote rather than filllibuster it and let it die. The 10 senators who voted YES on cloture and then "flip-flopped" to vote NO on S-2611 (list below) knew that the bill would pass a Senate floor vote. So if they were REALLY opposed to amnesty, why didn't they vote NO on cloture as real patriots did--Jeff Sessions, Ernest Inhofe, Byron Dorgan, Robert Byrd and the rest.

These 10 senators voted to let it go for a floor vote because they really wanted S-2611 to pass--there's just no other explanation! Then they played good cop, bad cop and tried to recover their "anti" image by voting NO on passage, well aware that their NO vote was just symbolic.

If you really oppose a bill that is expected to pass, you'll do anything possible to prevent a floor vote, and cloture would have been the obvious way.

7 of the 10 turncoats are up for re-election this November, which tells why they voted NO. These 10 were just taking a chance that most people wouldn't recognize what they really did.

Make no mistake about it, had their votes been needed for passage of the bill, any or all of these 10 would have voted YES in a heartbeat. But don't be fooled that they were "anti" the bill--they did their political balancing act hoping most voters wouldn't catch on to them.

Call your Senator's office on Tuesday and let them know you're on to the senator's game by asking "If the senator is against the bill, why did they vote for cloture rather than let it die through filibuster?"

The staff may try that "even if all 10 voted NO against cloture, there would still have been enough votes to send S-2611 for a floor vote," but that's irrelevant. Following that logic, why did these 10 vote NO on the bill that they knew would pass anyway? Because they wanted to make political hay by claiming they voted NO!

We'd be interested in the answer you get. They're not counting on many citizens sharp enough to recognize what their "flip-flop" vote achieved.

If you want to let the staffers know what you think of their boss's "flip-flop," send a message to them here and ask for a written reply.

Below is a list of those who voted No on the bill and those of them who voted YES on cloture. Those in red are just as traitorous as those like McCain, Kennedy, and Specter who voted YES for passage.

NAYs ---36
Allard (R-CO)
Allen (R-VA)
Bond (R-MO)
Bunning (R-KY)
Burns (R-MT)
Burr (R-NC)
Byrd (D-WV)
Chambliss (R-GA)
Coburn (R-OK)
Cochran (R-MS) YES ON CLOTURE --up for re-election
Crapo (R-ID)
DeMint (R-SC)
Dole (R-NC)
Dorgan (D-ND)
Ensign (R-NV)
Enzi (R-WY)
Grassley (R-IA)
Hatch (R-UT) YES ON CLOTURE--up for re-election
Hutchison (R-TX) YES ON CLOTURE--up for re-election

Inhofe (R-OK)
Isakson (R-GA)
Kyl (R-AZ) YES ON CLOTURE--up for re-election
Lott (R-MS) YES ON CLOTURE--up for re-election

Roberts (R-KS)
Santorum (R-PA)
Sessions (R-AL)
Shelby (R-AL)
Stabenow (D-MI) YES ON CLOTURE--up for re-election
Sununu (R-NH)
Talent (R-MO)
Thomas (R-WY) YES ON CLOTURE--up for re-election
Thune (R-SD)
Vitter (R-LA)

Thanks to WWW.TnRIP.ORG

Friday, May 26, 2006

Representative Bart Gordon - Now Is The Time!

Representative Gordon,
I do not believe I am a crackpot or alarmist. I am an educator in your district. Please do not follow the destructive path that those cowardly greedy senators have set for America. Oppose the immigration bill passed today out of that formally great body in Washington.

Your Tennesseans and America demand that you step up and become a visual and vocal opponent of this destructive anti-American legislation.

Please use the platform and forum that your supporters presented to you during the last election. This issue is not racial, not a matter of verbal semantics, not a republican or democrat party issue. This is about the America you love and want to represent. The cost of this senate legislation is not just a monetary calculation. The true cost is the loss of America.

Please deviate from the politically safe course you have taken. I'm not asking that you forget the issues that you campaigned on, but to grasp the most important issue of your career.

You have the opportunities and access to the press, to fellow representatives, and to the public (the voters that placed you in Washington). Become vocal! Become a political activitist from inside the House. Do not limit yourself to ineffectual mailings and photo-opt smiles. Be the voice of the Tennesseans that count on you to represent them.

Please Mr. Gordon do what is right for your people. Perhaps there is a political price in becoming an American Hero. Has there ever been an American Hero that did not pay a price, but emerged as a hero?

Please help America and Tennessee.

Thank you.

David A. Bess
Murfreesboro, TN.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

America Is Sad, America Is Dead, Long Live America


The Price of America.

Mr. McCain,
Tomorrow morning when you look into your mirror how will you feel to see a man that once was a hero, and now is nothing more then a lacky for corporate America and a third rate dictator in a third world country.

As a Vietnam era vet my respect for you is gone. You have sold-out America for whatever political ambitions you have and to be a corporate shill.

For my remaining days I will dedicate my available time to campaigning for anyone that opposes you in all future elections. Perhaps, as per yours and others design, the pending new illegal "citizens" will vote for you?

In the end you are nothing more then a bought and paid for cowardly political lackey.

Enjoy your dubious new stature.

David A. Bess
American Citizen


Saturday, May 20, 2006

To Financial Hell In A Senate Hand-Basket!

Illegals granted Social Security

By Charles Hurt
May 19, 2006

The Senate voted yesterday to allow illegal aliens to collect Social Security benefits based on past illegal employment -- even if the job was obtained through forged or stolen documents.
"There was a felony they were committing, and now they can't be prosecuted. That sounds like amnesty to me," said Sen. John Ensign, the Nevada Republican who offered the amendment yesterday to strip out those provisions of the immigration reform bill. "It just boggles the mind how people could be against this amendment."
The Ensign amendment was defeated on a 50-49 vote.
"We all know that millions of undocumented immigrants pay Social Security and Medicare taxes for years and sometimes decades while they work to contribute to our economy," said Sen. John McCain, Arizona Republican.
"The Ensign amendment would undermine the work of these people by preventing lawfully present immigrant workers from claiming Social Security benefits that they earned before they were authorized to work in our community," he said. "If this amendment were enacted, the nest egg that these immigrants have worked hard for would be taken from them and their families."
Mr. Ensign was among 44 Republicans and five Democrats who voted to block such payouts.
"It makes no sense to reward millions of illegal immigrants for criminal behavior while our Social Security system is already in crisis," said Sen. Jim DeMint, South Carolina Republican. "Why in the world would we endorse this criminal activity with federal benefits? The Senate missed a big opportunity to improve this bill, and I doubt American seniors will be pleased with the result."
Sen. Patrick J. Leahy, Vermont Democrat, said it would be unfair to deny illegals the benefits.
"We should not steal their funds or empty their Social Security accounts," he said. "That is not fair. It does not reward their hard work or their financial contributions. It violates the trust that underlies the Social Security Trust Fund."
Within hours, the vote had become an issue in this fall's elections, raised by a Republican challenger to Sen. Debbie Stabenow, Michigan Democrat.
"Instead of protecting the retirement security of Americans who are earning an honest living and abiding by the laws of our country, Debbie Stabenow sided with people who are here illegally and abuse our Social Security system," Oakland County, Mich., Sheriff Michael Bouchard said in a press release. "Allowing illegal immigrants to use their illegal work history as credit towards receiving Social Security benefits shows that Debbie Stabenow has forgotten who she is supposed to be working for in the U.S. Senate."
The Senate also yesterday approved an amendment to adopt English as the nation's official language, while reversing course from the day before on protections for U.S. workers who will face new competition from unskilled immigrant labor under the Senate bill. In addition, senators voted last night to kill an amendment that would have specified that the guest-worker program will not provide visas that would provide a path to citizenship.
On Wednesday, senators narrowly approved an amendment to require a foreign worker to have a job lined up in the United States before applying for a green card. The purpose, supporters say, is to ensure that the job market isn't flooded with foreign workers. Also, it prevents foreign workers from coming to the United States only to wind up unemployed and dependent on public assistance.
But yesterday, the Senate essentially gutted that amendment by allowing foreign workers to apply for permanent residency without having a job lined up.
"What that means is that up to 200,000 unskilled workers a year would become eligible for a green card, regardless of economic conditions, regardless of whether that worker has been actually employed for four years, and most importantly, regardless of whether there are unemployed U.S. workers available to fill those jobs," said Sen. John Cornyn, Texas Republican.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

A Third Rate Mexican President's Whores - George W. Bush and the U.S. Senate

Reposted From The Above Patriotic Web Sight
Please take a few minutes to read the article below by Frosty Wooldridge and share it with your own friends and family. If the U.S. Senate DOES pass any sort of amnesty bill and it isn't killed in the U. S. House, this Nation will be unrecognizable within 10 years. If the House DOES kill it, we will soon begin seeing REAL riots in our streets by the Reconquistas.

There must be ENFORCEMENT with NO amnesty and we need to continue making certain that our elected officials hear it OVER and OVER and OVER as our own Senators, Frist and Alexander, have sold out the American people in favor of big business and their campaign contributions!!

Theresa Harmon
Tennesseans for Responsible Immigration Policies

PS- we are the Tennessee contact for Mr. Wooldridge's "Paul Revere Ride" (listed at the end of his article). It will be coming through Tennessee in June and we will keep everyone posted on exact scheduling as we know more.


By Frosty Wooldridge

“While giving that ridiculous amnesty speech on how he’s going to guard our borders against illegal aliens last Monday,” Los Angeles radio talk show host Terry Anderson said, “Bush looked as nervous as a whore in church.”

After five years of neglecting border protection, Bush offered amnesty to 20 million illegal aliens who have resided illegally in the United States for an extended amount of time. That’s like being the president of a bank—then allowing bank robbers to walk in, rob the bank—stand around for a few days until their robbery blows over—then expect to deposit ‘their’ money like honest citizens—and take up residence in the bank as if it were their home.

In his speech, he offered sad testimony about one illegal alien who was injured while serving in the U.S. military. That’s like giving solace to a bank robber whose been shot for robbing a bank. Bush would have been better off giving solace to Bonnie Eggle, mother of National Park Ranger Kris Eggle who was shot by a Mexican drug smuggler. Bush needs to give solace to the families of Dale Englerth, Justin Goodman, Officer Don Young, John Hessler and thousands of Americans sacrificed in death, disease and drugs by illegals.

After illegals knowingly invaded our borders, Bush proposes amnesty to 20 million criminals with a path to citizenship. How can one man degrade U.S. citizenship to that of a criminal? Let’s look at the reality of what we face.

The fall of the Roman Empire occurred after Emperor Valens opened Rome’s borders in 376 A.D. By 476 A.D., Rome vanished after it allowed the Goth nation to cross the Danube River. If the United States won’t protect its borders, its language or its culture, and will not enforce itslaws--it will repeat Rome’s fall. Mexico’s invasion of the United States exceeds the scale of the Goth migration into Rome or any other migration in history.

As a nation we must protect our borders if we expect long term survival of the American Republic. Legal immigrants must demonstrate they intend to become Americans by learning our common language, English, and assimilating into the American culture that honors individual liberty, hard work and self-reliance. We cannot and must not reward criminals whose first act in our country was to break our laws.

The one aspect of Bush’s speech that hasn’t made an impact on Americans yet, is the addition of at least 100 million and up to 193 million people in the next 20 to 30 years. If that Senate amnesty bill moves ahead, we shall be invaded worse than Rome with consequences exactly like Rome. We will become a dead country.

Charles Hurt of Washington Times, May 16, 2006, wrote, “The Senate immigration reform bill would allow for up to 193 million new legal immigrants -- a number greater than 60 percent of the current U.S. population -- in the next 20 years.”

Senator Jeff Sessions, Alabama Republican said, “Congress is blissfully ignorant of the scope and impact of the bill, which has bipartisan support in the Senate and has been praised by President Bush.”

This illustrates the ‘gross stupidity’ of our senators and this president who refuse to ‘see’ what a statesman like Sessions sees. Senator Sessions is to be commended for his intellect and common sense.

On the other side of reality, Republican Senators Chuck Hagel of Nebraska and Mel Martinez of Florida ‘tossed’ the bill together like a couple of mad chefs giving illegal aliens who have been in the U.S. two years or longer a right to citizenship. They did it in the face of 85 percent of the American public that demands no amnesty and a securing of our borders with troops.

The bill allows the annual flow of legal immigrants to double to more than two million annually. The guest-worker program adds 325,000 new workers annually who could later apply for citizenship.

Just consider 20 million illegal aliens, if not more, being allowed to bring their wives and kids into the USA! If only half the illegals are married, the average Mexican wife has three to six kids, that’s a minimum of 30 million Spanish speaking kids crammed into our classrooms.

Senator Byron L. Dorgan, North Dakota Democrat, said that he would introduce an amendment to strip out the guest-worker program, warning that the legislation would "pull apart the middle class in this country."

America slides into the low wage capitol of the world and suffers the loss of the Middle Class. We’d all become the low class mirroring a Third World country. On top of that, we’d be importing the entrenched poor of other countries with no intellectual tools or skills to maintain or sustain our country.

If enacted, the Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act (CIRA, S.2611) would be the most dramatic change in immigration law in 80 years, allowing an estimated 103 million to as high as 193 million persons to legally immigrate to the U.S. over the next 20 years— fully one-third of the current population of the United States.

Even Newt Gingrich said, “The GOP is drifting toward disaster. I am very worried that the Republican leadership in the Senate and potentially the White House are just going to end up very alienated from the vast majority of Americans on this issue. The Senate bill is an absolute disaster."

Gingrich cited Gallup polling data that underscores the importance of an enforcement-first approach taken by the House:

  • 84% say the U.S. should go after employers who hire illegal immigrants
  • 86% say the U.S. should cut off federal funding for cities and states that refuse to enforce the law
  • 90% say English should be a requirement to become a citizen
  • 85% say citizens should have a voter-identity card to make sure only Americans are voting

As you can imagine how nervous a whore would be sitting in church, we have a president who can no longer lie, duck or deceive his ‘congregation’ which is an increasingly astute American citizenry. He can’t pretend any more. He can’t fool us and Bush cannot ignore us. Illegals work all our jobs! We are the ones being killed, raped, robbed, introduced to TB, leprosy, hepatitis, and our schools and hospitals overrun. We’re tired of this president with no clothes as he parades in his regal falsities against our Constitution.

Beyond his being ‘nervous’ facing U.S. citizens, he can’t keep telling us that we ‘can’t’ deport 20 million illegal aliens. We don’t have to. We simply enforce our laws against employers of illegal aliens. We shut down the rides at Disneyland and the folks go home. No more come to Disneyland It’s call “Attrition through Enforcement” and it works.

If he allows this massive amnesty bill, our country will pile up in the history books along with Rome.

If Mr. President, you think mass immigration can continue, first tell Americans where our waters are too pure, where the air is too fresh, where there is too little roadway congestion, insufficient urban sprawl, too much biodiversity, not enough energy consumption, under-utilized landfills, too much cheap electrical power, where jobs for underprivileged minorities are too abundant, and where our national parks are not loved to death. Tell us how there is too little gridlock in our cities. Tell us there aren’t two million homeless people in America. Tell us we need more immigrants instead of taking care of millions of our own poor.

How on God’s green earth can an added 100 million to 200 million more people make America better? Is it better in China? How about India? Anyone traveled to Bangladesh lately? Please answer that Mr. Bush, because the fact is, you cannot. With your lack of integrity and ineptitude, I agree with Terry Anderson: you should be as nervous as a whore in church.

The detailed route map and each state capital visit schedule is available at www.21stCenturyPaulRevereRide.us We can always work-in another rally, but planning time is running short. Inquire at Frosty's email address for full details on how you can support the PRR Team: Howard Wooldridge at wooldridge@leap.cc Start date is May 29, 2006 in Denver, CO -- with completion in Washington, DC set for 12 Aug 2006.

If He Holds The Line - Vote Him Back Into Office!

From: bart.gordon@mail.house.gov
Subject: Re: Rep. Bart Gordon's Web site Contact Form
Date: Thu, 18 May 2006 15:01:37 -0400

May 18, 2006

Mr. David Bess
Murfreesboro, Tennessee 37128

Dear David,

Thank you for sharing your thoughts
with me in response to my mailing on border
security and immigration. Keeping in touch
with you is one of my top priorities, so I
am glad to hear that you received my

Illegal immigration is one of the most
serious problems currently facing our nation
and your input on this matter is invaluable
to me. Please know that I am working hard
to curb the rising number of people that
enter our country illegally each year at a
high cost to American citizens and to ensure
that any legislation passed by Congress is
right for our country and right for Middle

Again, thank you for taking the time to
contact me. Please do not hesitate to call
on me if I can ever be of assistance to you
or your family.

Stay in touch,
Member of Congress

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Why Would An Approval Rating Fall? Hmmm.........Let Me Think

To: comments@whitehouse.gov.
Subject: Secure Our Borders
Date: Tue, 16 May 2006 17:14:04 -0500

Mr. Bush,
Why is your approval ratings at 33 percent? Hmmmmm......
let me think......

Could it be if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck,
then it must be the AMNESTY DUCK for illegal "criminal"
aliens.The Mexican government is not our friends. I have
friends, but I still lock my doors.

I've defended you for so long, but no longer can I do so. I
do not know what interest you are serving, but it is not the
sovereignty of the nation that voted you into office.

Let legal Americans build the roads, change the vehicle oil,
build barriers, and push pencils. Let our National Guard go
shoulder to shoulder with the Border Patrol and

My sense is that your legacy is set and it is dismal.
However, step-up and be the man we thought we were electing
and do the right thing. This one last thing can not change
your legacy, but it can change you into a president for the
sovereign nation of America.

SECURE OUR BORDERS and do not push to legalize the
illegal "criminal" aliens.

David A. Bess
Murfreesboro, TN. 37128


Isn't That Senator Frist's Head In the Sand?

To The Honorable Bart Gordon,
If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck then it must be the AMNESTY DUCK for illegal "criminal" aliens.

Please do not endorse the smoke screen that Mr. Bush attempted to force down the American public's throat. SECURE OUR BORDERS and do not legalize illegal "criminal" aliens. Prosecute employers that knowingly employ illegal "criminal" aliens. Arrest these invaders and deport all to their home country.

I posted your recent mailing on illegal immigration on my blogs and forwarded it to www.tnrip.org to further inform Tennesseans of your stance on this most important issue.

Let legal Americans change oil in vehicles, build roads, push pencils on our southern borders, build barriers, but let our National Guard enforce our borders along with the Border Patrol. I will endorse any candidate that runs against Bill Frist due to his blatant compromise of our sovereignty for whatever secret promises he beholds to others. Please do not believe any narrow polls that the majority of Tennesseans approve of Mr. Frist's backstabbing of American Tennessee Citizens.

Mr. Gordon, fight to SECURE OUR BORDERS at all cost. The Mexican government is not our friend as Mr. Bush claims. I have friends, but I still lock my doors. SECURE OUR BORDERS at all cost!

Thank you.
David A. Bess
Murfreesboro, TN.


Mr. Frist,
This is a copy of my letter to Mr. Bart Gordon and many others. I realize it is fruitless to write to you. However, I am because I would like to believe that you can still step-up and be an American that could protect our sovereignty. You have failed miserably thus far and I know you will continue to compromise our sovereignty and our country for your own personal gain. Still I possess a small hope for you.

The Honorable Bart Gordon,
If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck then it must be AMNESTY DUCK for illegal "criminal" aliens.

Please do not endorse the smoke screen that Mr. Bush attempted to force down the American public's throat. SECURE OUR BORDERS and do not legalize illegal "criminal" aliens. Prosecute employers that knowingly employ illegal "criminal" aliens. Arrest these invaders and deport all to their home country.
I posted your recent mailing on illegal immigration on my blogs and forwarded it to www.tnrip.org to further inform Tennesseans your stance on this most important issue.

Let legal Americans change oil in vehicles, build roads, push pencils on our southern borders, but let our National Guard enforce our borders along with the Border Patrol. I will endorse any candidate that runs against Bill Frist due to his blatant compromise of our sovereignty for whatever secret promises he beholds to others. Please do not believe any narrow polls that the majority of Tennesseans approve of his backstabbing of American Tennessee Citizens.

Fight to SECURE OUR BORDERS at all cost. The Mexican government is not our friend as Mr. Bush claims. I have friends, but I still lock my doors. SECURE OUR BORDERS at all cost!

Monday, May 15, 2006

The Battle of Murfreesboro

I watched President George W. Bush's address to America. The CBS anchor told us it was an important address because it was coming from the Oval Office. After the president spoke I searched for my mountain climbing gear to help me climb back on the big turnip truck he thinks we all fell from.

My current daily anger over our unsecured borders came from earlier in the day. I came home during the late morning to check on my ailing best-friend. The most wonderful pooch that has ever walked the Earth. To my surprise a two man crew was tearing hail damaged vinyl siding from my house. The company I had contracted with, J & R Roofing of Murfreesboro, Tennessee, had promised that the roof would be replaced first so the new siding would not be damaged. They also promised to call a day ahead to schedule the work. Even with their failure of these two promises I quickly decided it was good to have the work beginning, until I walked around back.

I understand this type of work creates quite a mess. What I didn't understand was what I saw on the back of my house. The two workers had begun nailing up the new siding. They were so fast that they did not even let the garage door opening get in their way. They had installed the new siding in an unbroken row across the back of the house and on across the garage door opening. The new siding bumped out approximately two inches from the house on each side of the garage opening before sinking back against the wall. I called over to the man that appeared to be the lead worker. I explained that hanging siding over the garage opening was not the best way to do a job and expect to get paid. To my "surprise" he did not speak English or chose not to communicate with me. His partner also did not speak English. As my anger boiled up inside of me I realized I was never going to communicate with these two.

The female voice that answered the telephone at the roofing company was pleasant and religious. This company always made a point of ending a conversation with, "Bless you".
I attempted to explain the problem with the two workers. She failed to understand, but did understand my anger, so I thought. She promised to have the estimator and crew chief come right out. Four hours later they were at my house. Along with three obvious American workers and a Hispanic crew chief that spoke better English then his crew.

I was promised by the Hispanic estimator that the crew working on my house was very good and had come up with him from New Orleans. Then he danced around the question about them being legal immigrants. He also assured me that he was an employee of the roofing company and was a citizen. In turn I assured him that if I was unhappy with the repair work the Bank of America inspector was going to be even more unhappy. He understood that the bank held the money for repairs and would not release any funds if I or the bank were dissatisfied.

For the rest of the evening a six man mixed crew worked hard to finish the vinyl part of the job. My assumption is they were in a hurry to get away from "el Loco Gringo".

Sunday, May 14, 2006


You Get The Point!

Associated Press
Text of President Bush's speech on immigration Monday night:

Good evening. I have asked for a few minutes of your time to discuss a matter of national importance: the reform of America's immigration system.

The issue of immigration stirs intense emotions and in recent weeks, Americans have seen those emotions on display. On the streets of major cities, crowds have rallied in support of those in our country illegally. At our southern border, others have organized to stop illegal immigrants from coming in. Across the country, Americans are trying to reconcile these contrasting images.

And in Washington, the debate over immigration reform has reached a time of decision. Tonight, I will make it clear where I stand, and where I want to lead our country on this vital issue.

We must begin by recognizing the problems with our immigration system. For decades, the United States has not been in complete control of its borders. As a result, many who want to work in our economy have been able to sneak across our border and millions have stayed.

Once here, illegal immigrants live in the shadows of our society. Many use forged documents to get jobs, and that makes it difficult for employers to verify that the workers they hire are legal. Illegal immigration puts pressure on public schools and hospitals, strains state and local budgets, and brings crime to our communities. These are real problems, yet we must remember that the vast majority of illegal immigrants are decent people who work hard, support their families, practice their faith, and lead responsible lives. They are a part of American life but they are beyond the reach and protection of American law.

We are a nation of laws, and we must enforce our laws. We are also a nation of immigrants, and we must uphold that tradition, which has strengthened our country in so many ways. These are not contradictory goals. America can be a lawful society and a welcoming society at the same time. We will fix the problems created by illegal immigration, and we will deliver a system that is secure, orderly and fair. So I support comprehensive immigration reform that will accomplish five clear objectives.

First, the United States must secure its borders. This is a basic responsibility of a sovereign nation. It is also an urgent requirement of our national security. Our objective is straightforward: The border should be open to trade and lawful immigration and shut to illegal immigrants, as well as criminals, drug dealers and terrorists.

I was the governor of a state that has a 1,200-mile border with Mexico. So I know how difficult it is to enforce the border, and how important it is. Since I became president, we have increased funding for border security by 66 percent, and expanded the Border Patrol from about 9,000 to 12,000 agents. The men and women of our Border Patrol are doing a fine job in difficult circumstances, and over the past five years, we have apprehended and sent home about 6 million people entering America illegally.

Despite this progress, we do not yet have full control of the border, and I am determined to change that. Tonight I am calling on Congress to provide funding for dramatic improvements in manpower and technology at the border. By the end of 2008, we will increase the number of Border Patrol officers by an additional 6,000. When these new agents are deployed, we will have more than doubled the size of the Border Patrol during my presidency.

At the same time, we are launching the most technologically advanced border security initiative in American history. We will construct high-tech fences in urban corridors, and build new patrol roads and barriers in rural areas. We will employ motion sensors infrared cameras and unmanned aerial vehicles to prevent illegal crossings. America has the best technology in the world and we will ensure that the Border Patrol has the technology they need to do their job and secure our border.

Training thousands of new Border Patrol agents and bringing the most advanced technology to the border will take time. Yet the need to secure our border is urgent. So I am announcing several immediate steps to strengthen border enforcement during this period of transition:

One way to help during this transition is to use the National Guard. So in coordination with governors, up to 6,000 Guard members will be deployed to our southern border. The Border Patrol will remain in the lead. The Guard will assist the Border Patrol by operating surveillance systems analyzing intelligence installing fences and vehicle barriers building patrol roads and providing training. Guard units will not be involved in direct law enforcement activities that duty will be done by the Border Patrol. This initial commitment of Guard members would last for a period of one year. After that, the number of Guard forces will be reduced as new Border Patrol agents and new technologies come online. It is important for Americans to know that we have enough Guard forces to win the war on terror, respond to natural disasters, and help secure our border.

The United States is not going to militarize the southern border. Mexico is our neighbor, and our friend. We will continue to work cooperatively to improve security on both sides of the border, to confront common problems like drug trafficking and crime, and to reduce illegal immigration.

Another way to help during this period of transition is through state and local law enforcement in our border communities. So we will increase federal funding for state and local authorities assisting the Border Patrol on targeted enforcement missions. And we will give state and local authorities the specialized training they need to help federal officers apprehend and detain illegal immigrants. State and local law enforcement officials are an important resource and they are part of our strategy to secure our border communities.

The steps I have outlined will improve our ability to catch people entering our country illegally. At the same time, we must ensure that every illegal immigrant we catch crossing our southern border is returned home. More than 85 percent of the illegal immigrants we catch crossing the southern border are Mexicans, and most are sent back home within 24 hours. But when we catch illegal immigrants from other countries, it is not as easy to send them home. For many years, the government did not have enough space in our detention facilities to hold them while the legal process unfolded. So most were released back into our society and asked to return for a court date. When the date arrived, the vast majority did not show up. This practice, called "catch and release," is unacceptable and we will end it.

We are taking several important steps to meet this goal. We have expanded the number of beds in our detention facilities, and we will continue to add more. We have expedited the legal process to cut the average deportation time. And we are making it clear to foreign governments that they must accept back their citizens who violate our immigration laws. As a result of these actions, we have ended "catch and release" for illegal immigrants from some countries. And I will ask Congress for additional funding and legal authority, so we can end "catch and release" at the southern border once and for all. When people know that they will be caught and sent home if they enter our country illegally, they will be less likely to try to sneak in.

Second, to secure our border, we must create a temporary worker program. The reality is that there are many people on the other side of our border who will do anything to come to America to work and build a better life. They walk across miles of desert in the summer heat, or hide in the back of 18-wheelers to reach our country. This creates enormous pressure on our border that walls and patrols alone will not stop. To secure the border effectively, we must reduce the numbers of people trying to sneak across.

Therefore, I support a temporary worker program that would create a legal path for foreign workers to enter our country in an orderly way, for a limited period of time. This program would match willing foreign workers with willing American employers for jobs Americans are not doing. Every worker who applies for the program would be required to pass criminal background checks. And temporary workers must return to their home country at the conclusion of their stay.

A temporary worker program would meet the needs of our economy, and it would give honest immigrants a way to provide for their families while respecting the law. A temporary worker program would reduce the appeal of human smugglers and make it less likely that people would risk their lives to cross the border. It would ease the financial burden on state and local governments, by replacing illegal workers with lawful taxpayers. And above all, a temporary worker program would add to our security by making certain we know who is in our country and why they are here.

Third, we need to hold employers to account for the workers they hire. It is against the law to hire someone who is in this country illegally. Yet businesses often cannot verify the legal status of their employees, because of the widespread problem of document fraud. Therefore, comprehensive immigration reform must include a better system for verifying documents and work eligibility. A key part of that system should be a new identification card for every legal foreign worker. This card should use biometric technology, such as digital fingerprints, to make it tamper-proof. A tamper-proof card would help us enforce the law and leave employers with no excuse for violating it. And by making it harder for illegal immigrants to find work in our country, we would discourage people from crossing the border illegally in the first place.

Fourth, we must face the reality that millions of illegal immigrants are already here. They should not be given an automatic path to citizenship. This is amnesty, and I oppose it. Amnesty would be unfair to those who are here lawfully and it would invite further waves of illegal immigration.

Some in this country argue that the solution is to deport every illegal immigrant and that any proposal short of this amounts to amnesty. I disagree. It is neither wise nor realistic to round up millions of people, many with deep roots in the United States, and send them across the border. There is a rational middle ground between granting an automatic path to citizenship for every illegal immigrant, and a program of mass deportation. That middle ground recognizes that there are differences between an illegal immigrant who crossed the border recently and someone who has worked here for many years, and has a home, a family, and an otherwise clean record. I believe that illegal immigrants who have roots in our country and want to stay should have to pay a meaningful penalty for breaking the law to pay their taxes to learn English and to work in a job for a number of years. People who meet these conditions should be able to apply for citizenship but approval would not be automatic, and they will have to wait in line behind those who played by the rules and followed the law. What I have just described is not amnesty it is a way for those who have broken the law to pay their debt to society, and demonstrate the character that makes a good citizen.

Fifth, we must honor the great American tradition of the melting pot, which has made us one Nation out of many peoples. The success of our country depends upon helping newcomers assimilate into our society, and embrace our common identity as Americans. Americans are bound together by our shared ideals, an appreciation of our history, respect for the flag we fly, and an ability to speak and write the English language. English is also the key to unlocking the opportunity of America. English allows newcomers to go from picking crops to opening a grocery from cleaning offices to running offices from a life of low-paying jobs to a diploma, a career, and a home of their own. When immigrants assimilate and advance in our society, they realize their dreams, they renew our spirit and they add to the unity of America.

Tonight, I want to speak directly to members of the House and the Senate: An immigration reform bill needs to be comprehensive, because all elements of this problem must be addressed together or none of them will be solved at all. The House has passed an immigration bill. The Senate should act by the end of this month so we can work out the differences between the two bills, and Congress can pass a comprehensive bill for me to sign into law.

America needs to conduct this debate on immigration in a reasoned and respectful tone. Feelings run deep on this issue and as we work it out, all of us need to keep some things in mind. We cannot build a unified country by inciting people to anger, or playing on anyone's fears, or exploiting the issue of immigration for political gain. We must always remember that real lives will be affected by our debates and decisions, and that every human being has dignity and value no matter what their citizenship papers say.

I know many of you listening tonight have a parent or a grandparent who came here from another country with dreams of a better life. You know what freedom meant to them, and you know that America is a more hopeful country because of their hard work and sacrifice. As President, I have had the opportunity to meet people of many backgrounds, and hear what America means to them. On a visit to Bethesda Naval Hospital, Laura and I met a wounded Marine named Guadalupe Denogean. Master Gunnery Sergeant Denogean came to the United States from Mexico when he was a boy. He spent his summers picking crops with his family, and then he volunteered for the United States Marine Corps as soon as he was able. During the liberation of Iraq, Master Gunnery Sergeant Denogean was seriously injured. When asked if he had any requests, he made two a promotion for the corporal who helped rescue him and the chance to become an American citizen. And when this brave Marine raised his right hand, and swore an oath to become a citizen of the country he had defended for more than 26 years, I was honored to stand at his side.

We will always be proud to welcome people like Guadalupe Denogean as fellow Americans. Our new immigrants are just what they have always been people willing to risk everything for the dream of freedom. And America remains what she has always been the great hope on the horizon an open door to the future a blessed and promised land. We honor the heritage of all who come here, no matter where they are from, because we trust in our country's genius for making us all Americans, one nation under God. Thank you, and good night.


Saturday, May 13, 2006

CNN (Communist News Network) Frist Leaves Planet

Bush To Address Nation On Immigration

Minuteman Project Rally Draws Counter-Demonstration

Friday, May 12, 2006: Posted: 7:03 p.m. EDT (23:03GMT)

Washington (CNN) – President Bush will speak from the Oval Office Monday about immigration and border security, hot button issues that have inspired massive demonstrations and a growing political divide.

Starting at 8:00 p.m., the president is expected to talk for about 20 minutes, and might also address the National Guard’s role in securing the borders.

Whitehouse spokesman Tony Snow announced the address earlier Friday. It will be the president’s 21st nationwide address since he took office.

Rallies held in Washington Friday further illustrated the differences among Americans on immigration issues and impending immigration bills.

Standing behind a yellow policeline, supporters of the Minuteman Project – a grass-roots groups opposed to illegal immigrants staying in the country – shouted, “We speak English here” in response to Spanish chants of “No los vamos, aqui estamos” or, translated, “We’re here and we’re not going anywhere.”

Frist: Confident Bill Will Pass

Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist told CNN Espanol on Friday he is confident a fair and balanced immigration bill proposal will be completed before Memorial Day.

“We know we need to address the 12 million people who have come here illegally,” Frist said. “There will be a free and open debate.”

Frist said one of the decisions he and the Senate leaders will be making in the coming weeks is whether or not to incorporate a House bill that has already passed into their bill.

Whether the government produces meaningful solutions or not, the Minuteman Project will begin implementing a solution of their own at the end of the month.

Minuteman Project members, together with land owners in Texas and California, will work with contractors to mend, repair and build fences along private property.

“It’s going to be a standard barbed wire fence probably exceeding 6 to 7 feet,” said Minuteman Project spokesman Tim Bueler. “It’s a statement. Building a wall is not necessarily the right the right approach to this. Having the National Guard is and then taking the incentive away from illegal immigrants.”

In his CNN Espanol interview Friday, Frist said he would support calling in the National Guard if necessary to secure borders – but individual states should make the call.

He doesn’t believe federal troops patrolling the border are necessary.

Mr. Bush Defend Our Country, NOW!

To: comments@whitehouse.gov
Date: Sat, 13 May 2006 16:23:15 -0500


Mr. President,
SECURE OUR BORDERS at all cost and fix everthing else later!

Deploy troops not in a support mode, but to patrol our borders, today.

You have no office left to be elected to, but your Republican friends do. We the American legal voters are watching and we will remember on election day the smoke screen of immigration. The only situation to focus on is SECURE OUR BORDERS, today!

Everything else is unimportant; What agency collects what telephone numbers, Oil company profits, Who heads the CIA, Medicare drug plans, What lawyer the Vice President nails while hunting, The war in Iraq, Your legacy when you're gone from office.......

IT IS SIMPLE - SECURE OUR BORDERS AT ALL COST and fix everything else later!

Thank you sir.

David A. Bess
1506 River Rock Blvd.
Murfreesboro, TN. 37128


Congressman Tancredo Carrying The Dream of America Into The Border War


Congressman Tancredo,
Please do not let the battle of immigration be the smoke screen that hides the real war. Secure Our Borders and fix everything else later. I am a resident of Tennesse, but I follow your battles to Secure Our Borders. Our Senators Frist and Alexander do not care for anything except compromise and their political gains. Carry our flag for our country into your battles with pride and we the American Citizens will not forget you.

Thank you,
David A. Bess

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Remember These Sell-Outs On Election Day!

Senators Reach Accord to Consider Immigration Measure (Update1)

May 11 (Bloomberg) -- Republicans and Democrats in the U.S. Senate reached an agreement on how to proceed with consideration of an overhaul of U.S. immigration policies, clearing the path for debate by lawmakers next week.

``Today's agreement is a major step forward,'' Democrat Ted Kennedy of Massachusetts said in a statement. ``I'm optimistic we can get the job done.''

A bipartisan compromise agreement on the legislation collapsed last month after senators couldn't agree on how to consider amendments or negotiate on final legislation with members of the House of Representatives. The agreement announced today settles the disputes, Senate leaders said.

``The procedural aspect of this immigration debate is over with,'' said Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, a Nevada Democrat.

The proposed legislation would create up to 400,000 guest- worker visas for unskilled workers and provide a path to legal status for many of the estimated 11 million undocumented immigrants in the U.S.

Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, a Tennessee Republican, said today on the Senate floor that 14 Republicans and 12 Democrats will resolve differences between any Senate legislation and the measure passed last year by the House of Representatives.

Twelve of the senators will come from the Senate's Judiciary Committee, a demand made by Reid. The remaining negotiators will be chosen by Frist and Reid.

Frist said the Senate will debate a ``considerable number of amendments'' to the measure. He has said he hopes to complete consideration of the measure before the end of the month.

The House in December approved a measure that cracks down on the hiring of undocumented immigrants and calls for the construction of 700 miles of fencing along the Mexican border, without addressing a guest worker program or legal status for those in the country illegally.

To contact the reporter on this story:
Nicholas Johnston in Washington at njohnston3@bloomberg.net


and Still Our Borders Are Open - While The Government Spies On Americans!

Washington - When the largest US newspaper Thursday detailed a secret, massive government database of Americans' phone records, President George W. Bush was quick to argue that such leaks hurt national security.

But, as Bush's quick response to the USA Today story showed, the White House is just as concerned that the latest leak would heap additional trouble on the beleaguered president.

The newspaper reported that the National Security Agency (NSA), with the help of three large telephone companies, compiled a database of the phone call records of tens of millions of Americans who are not suspected of committing any crime.

Bush did not confirm or deny the programme's existence. But the latest controversial twist to his war on terror is likely to not sit well with Americans, who are protective of their privacy and their civil rights.

Bush, in a hastily arranged television appearance, assured Americans that all of the NSA's actions are within the law and that citizens privacy is 'fiercely protected.'

But he offered no explanation for why the US government would have needed to collect phone records of its citizens, a question that will be raised over and over in the weeks ahead.

The programme will certainly be raised later this month during the Senate confirmation hearings for Air Force General Michael Hayden, whom Bush nominated to become Central Intelligence Agency director. Hayden headed the NSA when the programme was put in place after the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.

Hayden was already facing questions over another controversial part of the NSA surveillance programme - the monitoring, without court approval, of calls that either originate or end in the US. Bush has defended that project as vital to tracking terrorist suspects.

A sure sign that the USA Today story will be trouble for Bush is that several members of the president's Republican Party immediately voiced concern about Thursday's revelation.

Senator Arlen Specter, chairman of the Judiciary Committee and a frequent critic of White House secrecy on surveillance matters, said he plans to call telephone company executives to testify on the programme.

Other Republicans also expressed concern over the programme, such as John Boehner, the Republican majority leader in the House of Representatives.

'I'm not sure why it would be necessary for us to keep and have that kind of information,' he said, vowing to find out more about the programme.

The uproar comes as Bush's approval rating is at all-time lows and less than half of Americans agree with how he is handling the war on terror, according to a recent New York Times and CBS television poll.

Opposition Democrats, who are trying to win control of Congress in November mid-term elections, seized the opportunity to not only criticize Bush, but also their Republican colleagues for failing to keep the administration in check.

Patrick Leahy, the senior Democrat on the Senate Judiciary Committee, angrily waved a copy of USA Today at a hearing Thursday.

'Shame on us for being so far behind and being so willing to rubber-stamp anything this administration does,' Leahy said.

M & C News

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Bay Buchanan - American Patriot With The Truth

From: baybuchanan@teamamericapac.org
To: team-america@teamamericapac.org
Subject: [TA] Bush Administration ratting out our Minutemen.…And Senate
could vote as early as Monday!!
Date: Tue, 9 May 2006 16:47:33 -0600 (MDT)

Bush Administration ratting out our Minutemen.…And Senate could vote as
early as Monday!!

Dear Friend,
You won’t believe it! The U.S. government has been telling the Mexican
government the positions of our minutemen!!! This administration is in
collusion with a foreign government against American citizens who are
trying to protect this country! It is one thing for the president to
support open borders, but this is not a policy difference. This is an
administration aiding and abetting illegal aliens!

We learned last week that the $1.9 billion for border security passed by
the Senate is nothing but a charade, just an empty act to deceive us.
Today I learned Ken Mehlman, the Republican National Chairman, told his
committeeman that no matter what bill passes the President knows the
border must be secured. One of the committeeman followed up privately,
asking if Mr. Mehlman was saying that the President had changed his
position—that he was now going to secure the border even if he doesn’t get
his guest worker plan through Congress. He gave an emphatic “yes”.

But within days when Mehlman was asked by an elected official if that was
the correct understanding of his remarks, he said he didn’t know how
anyone could have come to such a conclusion! These guys are either in
complete meltdown or they are deliberately deceiving us.

One last point: Ken Mehlman, a busy man these days, is also reported as
telling Senate leadership they must pass an immigration bill! If not the
Republicans could lose 45 seats in Congress this November. (Explains the
panic.) So the Senate is behind closed doors this week and could vote on
a compromise immigration bill as early as Monday!! GET READY TO GET BACK
ON THE PHONES!! (Senate Phone Numbers can be viewed at
http://www.teamamericapac.org/senatenumbers.htm )

Please explain to me: Do these brilliant minds really believe an amnesty
packed immigration bill will help Republicans retain the House?

One last point: The President’s approval rating has dropped another 5
points in just a few weeks, down to 31%. (Explains more panic.) He can
thank his amnesty proposal and our open borders for that! If he keeps
pushing amnesty and working with Mexico—he is going to make Nixon look

I’ll let you know news on the action in the Senate as soon as I get it.

My best,

Bay Buchanan

PS We mailed over two hundred bricks to Congress today at your request.
More requests are coming in every hour. Hope many of you are sending your
own! If you want us to send a brick for you , go to

Stay The Course With The Company Line

From: "Johns, Michelle"
To: dab1231@mail.com
Subject: RE: Food Service Contact form submission on www.tyson.com/FoodService/Contact.aspx
Date: Wed, 03 May 2006 13:02:08 -0500

Good afternoon Mr. Bess, and thank you for your message.

Most of the more than 100 plants we own did operate Monday, May 1st to
meet the needs of our customers. About a dozen plants, mostly red meat
operations, were closed due to a combination of market conditions and
the expected absence of workers.

While we understand the sentiment behind the May 1st events and support
comprehensive immigration reform, we did not encourage workers to
participate in the rallies. At those plant locations where we were
scheduled to operate, we asked workers not to take any unauthorized time
off and instead seek pre-approval from their supervisor or participate
during non-work hours.

Tyson Foods has zero tolerance for employing people who are not
authorized to work in the U.S. We use all available tools provided by
the U.S. government to help determine our Team Members are authorized to
work in this country.

Tyson voluntarily participates in the Department of Homeland Security's
Basic Pilot program, which allows us access to government databases that
assist in the documentation authentication process. We've used the Basic
Pilot at all of our plants since 1998. Before the Basic Pilot became
available, we participated in the government's Electronic Verification
Pilot or EVP program.

We train our hiring managers on proper employment documentation
procedure and work to increase their awareness of identification and
documentation fraud. We regularly audit our hiring process including
work authorization documents and also use an independent, outside
company, which conducts its own audit of our hiring practices.

The Basic Pilot is effective in helping us verify the Social Security
numbers of the people we hire. Unfortunately, the program has
limitations. It does not currently help us in cases of identity fraud
when an individual assumes someone else's name by using their Social
Security number. This is another reason we support efforts to reform
immigration law. We believe companies should not be placed in the role
of policing who has proper work documentation. If the government isn't
going to assume this responsibility, then it should give companies more
tools to do the job.

Thank you,

Michelle Johns
Tyson Food Service Concierge
1-800-24-TYSON (1-800-248-9766)

-----Original Message-----
From: dab1231@mail.com [mailto:dab1231@mail.com]
Posted At: Tuesday, May 02, 2006 07:20 PM
Posted To: Foodservice Comments
Conversation: Food Service Contact form submission on
Subject: Food Service Contact form submission on

CATEGORY: General Food Service Questions

Dear Business Owner,

In light of your company's choosing to condone the invasion of our
Nation by illegal aliens and their supporters by either closing your
doors on May 1, 2006 or by the hiring of illegal immigrants, I must
inform you that I will no longer be conducting any business with your

As I'm sure you're aware, illegal immigrants undermine both the economic
and social fabric of our Nation and I, as a legal tax-paying citizen or
legal immigrant, will be utilizing the power of my shopping dollars to
send the message that support such as you have displayed with no longer
be tolerated within our borders.

While I realize that your company is looking at your 'bottom line' by
supporting cheap labor, you must understand that many Americans are more
concerned with the future of our Country than with your profit margin..

I will be spreading the word regarding your support of the acceleration
of our Nation's demise and urging my family, friends and acquaintances
to do the same.

Respectfully submitted,

David A. Bess



This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and
intended solely for the use of the addressee. If you are not the
intended addressee, then you have received this email in error and
any use, dissemination, forwarding, printing, or copying of this
email is strictly prohibited. Please notify us immediately of your
unintended receipt by reply and then delete this email and your
reply. Tyson Foods, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates will not
be held liable to any person resulting from the unintended or
unauthorized use of any information contained in this email or as a
result of any additions or deletions of information originally
contained in this email.

Bottom Line 3

From: "David A. Bess"
To: compusa-pr@morningstarcomm.com, dab1231@mail.com
Subject: Bottom Line
Date: Tue, 02 May 2006 18:26:18 -0500

Dear CompUSA,
I have been a loyal customer for many years, until now.

In light of your company’s choosing to condone the invasion of our Nation by illegal aliens
and their supporters by either closing your doors on May 1, 2006 or by the hiring of illegal immigrants,
I must inform you that I will no longer be conducting any business with your company.

As I’m sure you’re aware, illegal immigrants undermine both the economic and social fabric of our Nation and I,
as a legal tax-paying citizen or legal immigrant, will be utilizing the power of my shopping dollars to send the
message that support such as you have displayed with no longer be tolerated within our borders.

While I realize that your company is looking at your ‘bottom line’ by supporting cheap labor, you must
understand that many Americans are more concerned with the future of our Country than with your profit margin..

I will be spreading the word regarding your support of the acceleration of our Nation’s demise and urging my
family, friends and acquaintances to do the same.

Respectfully submitted,

David A. Bess


Bottom Line 2

From: "David Bess"
To: wasj@wasco-inc.com
Subject: Bottom Line
Date: Tue, 02 May 2006 19:05:11 -0500

Mr. Andy Sneed,

In light of your company’s choosing to condone the invasion of our
Nation by illegal aliens and their supporters by either closing your
doors on May 1, 2006 or by the hiring of illegal immigrants, I must
inform you that I will no longer be conducting any business with your

As I’m sure you’re aware, illegal immigrants undermine both the
economic and social fabric of our Nation and I, as a legal tax-paying
citizen or legal immigrant, will be utilizing the power of my
shopping dollars to send the message that support such as you have
displayed with no longer be tolerated within our borders.

While I realize that your company is looking at your ‘bottom line’ by
supporting cheap labor, you must understand that many Americans are
more concerned with the future of our Country than with your profit

I will be spreading the word regarding your support of the
acceleration of our Nation’s demise and urging my family, friends and
acquaintances to do the same.

Respectfully submitted,

David A. Bess


Bottom Line 1

To: billwilliams@thecomfortgroup.com
Subject: Bottom Line
Date: Tue, 02 May 2006 19:10:20 -0500

Dear Business Owner,

In light of your company’s choosing to condone the invasion of our
Nation by illegal aliens and their supporters by either closing your
doors on May 1, 2006 or by the hiring of illegal immigrants, I must
inform you that I will no longer be conducting any business with your

As I’m sure you’re aware, illegal immigrants undermine both the
economic and social fabric of our Nation and I, as a legal tax-paying
citizen or legal immigrant, will be utilizing the power of my
shopping dollars to send the message that support such as you have
displayed with no longer be tolerated within our borders.

While I realize that your company is looking at your ‘bottom line’ by
supporting cheap labor, you must understand that many Americans are
more concerned with the future of our Country than with your profit

I will be spreading the word regarding your support of the
acceleration of our Nation’s demise and urging my family, friends and
acquaintances to do the same.

Respectfully submitted,

David A. Bess


The Pride Of Tennessee?

From: "Catherine Luster"
To: dab1231@mail.com
Subject: FW: Website Information Request
Date: Wed, 3 May 2006 07:33:22 -0500


Good Morning!

I received a copy of your email and, though I understand where you are coming from, your comments are disappointing, especially your very rigid stand against our company when you do not have the proper information on which to base your decision. For your information, we do not employ undocumented immigrant workers at any of our facilities. We take all the extra steps available to us today to make sure all our workers have proper USA documentation. At each of our two plants we employ a few Hispanic workers; all have proper documentation. We also employ a contract firm to perform the sanitation function at those two plants. They employ some Hispanic workers and go through the same regimen we go through to assure their workers have the correct documentation. As a matter of fact, this is not only about Hispanics but any nationality of immigrants. We want to make sure that all are properly documented. We employ workers from several nationalities and they have a great work ethic and are valuable to our success. We intend to always operate within the laws of our country. To work undocumented workers is illegal and we do not participate in anything illegal.

We hope that you will reconsider your position about our company now that you have the facts. Best wishes to you and your family. God Bless America!

Larry D. Odom
Odom's Tennessee Pride Sausage, Inc.

Catherine Luster
Odom's Tennessee Pride
Quality Assurance and Food Safety
Administrative Assistant
Email: cluster@tnpride.com

-----Original Message-----
From: TN Pride Mail
Sent: Tuesday, May 02, 2006 6:59 PM
To: Ainslie Moseley; Catherine Luster
Subject: Website Information Request

From: David Bess

EMail: dab1231@mail.com
Date Requested: May 2 2006 6:59PM
State: TN
Product: 000
ExpirationDate: Now
Purchased From: No further purchases of your products

Dear Business Owner,

In light of your company’s choosing to condone the invasion of our Nation by illegal aliens and their supporters by either closing your doors on May 1, 2006 or by the hiring of illegal immigrants, I must inform you that I will no longer be conducting any business with your company.

As I’m sure you’re aware, illegal immigrants undermine both the economic and social fabric of our Nation and I, as a legal tax-paying citizen or legal immigrant, will be utilizing the power of my shopping dollars to send the message that support such as you have displayed with no longer be tolerated within our borders.

While I realize that your company is looking at your ‘bottom line’ by supporting cheap labor, you must understand that many Americans are more concerned with the future of our Country than with your profit margin..

I will be spreading the word regarding your support of the acceleration of our Nation’s demise and urging my family, friends and acquaintances to do the same.

Respectfully submitted,

David A. Bess


This email message is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain confidential and privileged information. Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure or distribution is prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender by reply email and destroy all copies of the original message.

mail.tnpride.com made the following annotations
NOTICE: This email message is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain confidential and privileged information. Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure or distribution is prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender by reply email and destroy all copies of the original message. ---------------------------------------------------------------------

Pop Goes The Weasel

From: "Guest Relations"
To: dab1231@mail.com
Subject: Jack in the Box: EV200685942
Date: Thu, 4 May 2006 09:21:39 -0700


Thank you for taking the time to write regarding the temporary closing of
one of our restaurants on May 1st. Several of our restaurant employees
requested the day off and we did not have enough available employees to
give our guests the great service they deserve. We did not close our
restaurant in support of the consumer boycott planned for May 1 as we did
not think this was good for our customers or our business. We sincerely
apologize for any inconvenience that this may have caused you. The
restaurant has since reopened, and we look forward to seeing you back at
Jack in the Box. Again, thank you for taking the time to write regarding
May 1st's events. And please let us know if you have any additional


Guest Relations