Wednesday, September 20, 2006


The Jackals
China, Venezula, Iran, Russia, Mexico, Al-Qaeda, North Korea, etc..........

What is our government doing to secure our borders?
(Look at our southern and northern porous borders and you have the answer.)

Where are the voices of the moderate Muslims?
(Is there such a thing?)

Circle the wagons America we're under seige, soon to be another open attack!

Friday, July 14, 2006

More Obscenties From Inside the Beltway

Now that soon-to-be-former senator, Bill Frist, along with his Senate cronies, have sold America to corporate interest and their new world order, we are now presented with business as usual. Mr. Frist's automated newsletter was distributed on this day. He and his treacherous Senate sidekicks would like us to believe they have only America's interest in their hearts! It has been clear for several months how they completely ignore the will of the American people that elected them to their "vaulted positions." Now they expect us to forget their prior treasonist actions and swallow this latest smoke screen crap from inside the beltway. I continue to wait for the next election to help tighten that beltway around their throats by voting them out of office. (I will do whatever I can to remind the American people of Frist's disdain for their opinions when he campaigns for the oval office.)

This photo is just to remind America what the face of the NEW WORLD CORPORATE ORDER looks like!


Please "enjoy" the content of his latest newsletter release and try not to choke on the smoke!

Senator William H. Frist, M.D. - U.S. Senator, Tennessee - U.S. Senate Majority Leader

Today the Senate overwhelmingly passed legislation to secure America's homeland by funding vital activities of the Department of Homeland Security and confronting the challenges facing our borders, ports, and transit systems.

By providing more than $14 billion specifically to strengthen our nation’s borders, we took another important step to bolster our frontline defenses against illegal border crossings.

Under this legislation, the Republican Congress will add 2,000 new border patrol agents (bringing the total to 14,320) and increase the number of detention beds by 5,000 (bringing the total to 25,300) in the next fiscal year– all done in an effort to combat illegal immigration.

I look forward to working with the House to produce a final piece of legislation so that the President can quickly sign into a law a bill funding America’s homeland and border security needs.

Bill Frist

Posted by David A. Bess, A Tennessee Voter

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Which provisions of S2611, Senate bill, do the most damage to the interests of the nation and the American public?

In descending order,
from the American Sell-Outs,
the ten worst provisions for
illegal alien guest worker amnesty:

10. Allows illegal aliens to claim Social Security benefits for work
performed illegally.

9. Creates new foreign student visa programs with a direct path
to legal permanent
residence status and citizenship.

8. Requires consultation with the Mexican government before
construction of fencing
along the border.

7. Allows states to give illegal aliens in-state tuition benefits
that they can deny to
citizens who live in other states.

6. Gives the Department of Homeland Security the discretion
to waive fines for
employers who knowingly hire illegal aliens.

5. Increases the number of employment-based immigrants
admitted to the U.S.
each year by more than 400 percent.

4. Admits 1.5 million agricultural “guest workers” with a
direct path to legal permanent
residence status and citizenship.

3. Admits hundreds of thousands unskilled “guest workers”
through a new guest worker
program and gives them a direct
path to legal permanent residence and citizenship.

2. Grants amnesty to family members of illegal aliens who live
outside the country.

1. Grants amnesty to millions (nobody really knows how
many millions) of illegal aliens
living in the U.S.










Pigs Nose

David A. Bess

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

PS Radio Ad Telling The Truth About
Chris Cannon of Utah

During a debate this past week with his opponent Congressman Cannon was upset. He dedicated a large part of his time to attacking the organization that created the radio spot.

He claims it was code for racism!! This is what was written by Team America.Org that they claim was “code”:

“Pence's plan is to turn over our immigration policy to the privatesector…. Employers could bring in as many guest workers as they want—Why wait 20 years when you can do all the harm in three! We will be overrun in months, and our jobs will be sold in mass to the cheapest bidders.”

Our focus must be defeating Chris Cannon. Remember Cannon was President Bush’s point man in Congress for immigration! Sending him packing will be terrific victory, one that will totally unsettle his congressional colleagues.
Friend, defeating Cannon is our best chance of stopping amnesty once and for all! It will send the message to Congress that they have five months to secure the borders and enforce our immigration laws. Nothing more and nothing less--or face the consequences come November.

PAC's radio ads rip congressman

By Tad Walch
Deseret Morning News

PROVO — A national immigration-restriction group released a radio advertisement Monday that openly mocked Rep. Chris Cannon, R-Utah, and endorsed his opponent, John Jacob, in the June 27 Republican primary.

Team America ran the ad 13 times Monday on KSL Newsradio. The ad, called offensive by Cannon's chief of staff, used a sneering laugh track to attack Cannon's campaign statements that he is against illegal immigration.

"Chris Cannon's tough on illegal immigration? (Canned laughter) That's a joke, but it's not funny," the ad says. "That's why Utah needs to vote against Chris Cannon and for John Jacob ... to clean up the illegal immigration mess Chris Cannon helped create."

Team America, a conservative political action committee based in Washington, D.C., posted two versions of the ad on its Web site. Both used the same information, but one was a straightforward spot while the Web site called the one with the laugh track — the one that aired Monday in Utah — its "funny" version.

"I don't think people in Utah are going to consider it funny," said Joe Hunter, Cannon's chief of staff. "It's a pretty nasty ad and filled with laughter on a very important subject. We're very confident people in Utah will react the way Utahns usually do to ad campaigns like this."

In the ad, a commentator says Cannon voted nine times to support amnesty for illegal aliens and co-sponsored six amnesty bills.

Jacob said he hadn't heard the Team America ad as of Monday afternoon and did not endorse it. He agreed that Utahns have proved their distaste for negative campaigning.
However, he said, he didn't consider the Team America ad to be negative.

"Chris has made those statements, and his record is not the same," Jacob said. "He has supported amnesty, and he has supported illegal immigration."

Hunter said Cannon stands by his statements that he opposes amnesty and said Cannon's voting record reflects that.

The Cannon campaign responded with a new ad of its own late Monday afternoon. The radio spot, which also aired on KSL Newsradio, claimed Cannon's record shows real action to stop illegal immigration.

"I've been working for stricter screening at entry points, increased border surveillance, more border patrol agents and closing the loopholes that allow the system to be abused," Cannon says in the ad.

The two candidates argued Saturday during a debate over the definition of amnesty in a replay of Cannon's re-election bid two years ago, when another national immigration-restriction group, Project USA, spent tens of thousands of dollars on billboard and radio ads in a failed attempt to defeat Cannon.

Jacob expressed frustration Monday with statements Cannon made during the debate at Utah Valley State College.

"Saturday, I felt like he called me a racist, and that part bothered me quite a bit," Jacob said. "He didn't just say it once, he said it many times. He called the people coming out with this ad racist, and that didn't sound to me like a statesmanlike comment. I didn't consider it becoming of a congressman."

Cannon didn't call Jacob a racist but said the Republican party is split between arch-conservatives like Team America and conservatives with more moderate views on immigration reform over whether the party will be "anti-foreigner" or one that solves problems.

Cannon directly referred to Team America leader Bay Buchanan as a xenophobe. Hunter said Monday that Cannon was referring to an e-mail Buchanan sent last week that Cannon believed used a code for racism by talking about America being overrun.

In the same debate, Jacob implied that Cannon was a bum who needed to be thrown out of Congress but also didn't directly use the term.

"Chris is not expressing his outrage or offense at being called a bum," Hunter said, "because he is neither outraged nor offended."

Buchanan said in her e-mail, meant to raise money to pay for running the ad in Utah, that she will continue to raise money to keep the anti-Cannon ads on the radio until the primary.

Hunter said Jacob is benefiting from the ads because they call for his election, and that Jacob must decide if he wants to associate himself with people playing on fears the United States might be overrun by illegal immigrants.

Jacob said voters in Utah's 3rd Congressional District want the borders secured.




David A. Bess

Tuesday, June 13, 2006


On Thursday, June 8, 2006, the Judiciary Committee's Subcommittee on Immigration, Border Security and Claims held an oversight hearing on the need for implementing the 9/11 Commission's call to increase security for travel in the Western Hemisphere. The 9/11 Commission Report states, "Americans should not be exempt from carrying biometric passports or otherwise enabling their identities to be securely verified when they enter the United States; nor should Canadians or Mexicans. . . . The current system enables non-U.S. citizens to gain entry by showing minimal identification. The 9/11 experience shows that terrorists study and exploit America's vulnerabilities." [page 388]

The hearing examined the 2004 Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act requirement for better document security standards for travel within the Western Hemisphere by eliminating the so-called "Western Hemisphere Exemption" that currently allows travel to and from the U.S. within the Western Hemisphere without needing a passport. The Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative (WHTI) will require all travelers within the Western Hemisphere to have a passport or another accepted document that establishes the bearer's identity and nationality to enter or re-enter the U.S. Currently U.S. citizens returning from Canada, Mexico, the Caribbean, Bermuda and Central and South America are able to enter the U.S. by providing proof of nationality, such as a birth certificate, and a government-issued photo ID, such as a driver's license. DHS has a January 2008 deadline to implement the WHTI.



House Passes Immigration Related Amendments to the DHS Appropriations Bill

Last week, the House passed the fiscal year 2007 spending bill for the Department of Homeland Security. As the bill was debated on the House Floor, several Members offered immigration related amendments to the bill. A list of the adopted amendments follows:

  • Stupak - Increases funding (by offset) for the Immigration and Customs Enforcement by $5 million.
  • King (IA) - Increases funding (by offset) for Immigration and Customs Enforcement by $2 million.
  • Marshall - Increases funding (by offset) for the employment verification program under USCIS by $20 million.
  • King (IA) - Prevents state and local governments who refuse to share information with federal immigration authorities by adopting "sanctuary policies" from obtaining federal funds under this act.
  • Kingston - Prohibits the department from using funds in the bill to provide a foreign government with information relating to the operations or location of the Minutemen or other private border patrol groups along the U.S.-Mexican border in California, Arizona, New Mexico or Texas, unless the information sharing is required by an international treaty.

Friday, June 09, 2006

To The Republic,
I fully understand that the war to Secure Our Borders will have small impact on people like me, "long-in-the-tooth Vietnam vets". The war must be won for our children's children and their future. Government ineptness and lack of will lost our war in Southeast Asia and I'm unclear how we will ever rid the world of terrorists, but we must Secure Our Country from illegal invaders including the internal invaders we voted into office. We, the American citizens, have been asleep since we began voting ourselves entitlements. No republic can withstand the pressure of an overpowering bureaucratic government. A government that is controlled by special interest and is deaf to the voices and pleas of its citizens can not support republic ideals, nor can it survive. In a broad definition, a republic (America is not a democracy) is a state or country that is led by people who do not base their political power on any principle beyond the control by the people of that state or country. In general being a republic implies sovereignty as for the state to be ruled by the people it cannot be controlled by a foreign power. With continued bastardization of our Constitution my sense is that the American Dream is dead. Regardless, we must wage this last great war guided by the principals and disappearing hopes of saving the republic: The United States of America.

David A. Bess
Murfreesboro, TN.


Betrayal in the Making? Is the Fix in for the Pence Amnesty?

Mike Pence's amnesty that will allow unlimited guestworkers over the next three years is gaining support among Republicans. Newt Gingrich just signed on. He is joined by a number of prominent conservatives and republicans including David Keene of the American Conservative Union, conservative Christian leader Gary Bauer, and many others. We need to stop this absurd "free market" amnesty before it gets any stronger. Contact your congressmen, particularly these members, and tell them that under no circumstances should they support any guestworker or amnesty program no matter who proposes it or what they call it!

Mike Pence and the Amnesty Lobby

Two days before the United States Senate passed S.2611, Congressman Mike Pence (R-IN) delivered a speech on immigration policy at the Heritage Foundation. Pence to offer what he called a "middle ground" proposal, a "no amnesty immigration reform" in which "securing our border is the first step." The timing of Pence’s speech and his position as chairman of the House Republican Study Committee combined to get his proposal the maximum media attention. So, what is the "middle ground" Pence wants to occupy?

Tancredo Wins Presidential Straw Poll! Voters Continue to Show They are Voting on Immigration.

Rep. Tom Tancredo's get-tough-first attitude on immigration reform is having a positive impact on his possible presidential run in 2008. The Colorado Republican won tonight's GOP straw poll in Macomb County, Mich., located in the Detroit metro area. Tancredo has won many other presidential straw and online polls among conservatives and Republicans. Memo to Republicans: securing our border is a winning issue! READ MORE

Thanks to Team America for fighting the fight!

Thursday, June 08, 2006


(In Addition to U.S. Senator and Congressman)

(Bush Revisits Immigration Controversy in the West)

Alas, another job that Americans are not doing, being president of the United States of America! Mr. Bush being so comfortable speaking Spanish could sneak across the Mexican border and run for president there, (if he is not shot according to the laws of the Mexican constitution concerning illegal immigration), then we could have an illegal alien do the job of American president not being done now? Surely, one of them would sell-out America for less money then Mr. Bush is earning to do the same thing?


ARTESIA, N.M. - With lawmakers preparing for the contentious work of negotiating a compromise on immigration reform legislation, President Bush tried to stress areas of agreement during a visit to New Mexico Tuesday.

Bush — in a different speech given during a stop in Laredo, Texas — also said the U.S. needs a national way to treat people who are arriving to do work that Americans are not doing.

“We’re making progress toward a comprehensive bill,” Bush insisted in New Mexico, noting that since his last visit to the border last month the Senate has passed legislation that would allow foreigners to get temporary work permits in the United States.

Bush showcases Spanish skills
The president may have undermined that message somewhat while at the Juan Diego Center, as he joined in a class, preparing students for their U.S. citizenship tests. Though the instructor addressed students in English, Bush mostly chose their native Spanish to greet and quiz them. When the students couldn’t answer his question — how many father-son duos have served as president — Bush explained in Spanish that there have been two, the Bushes and “Juan Adams y su hijo Juan Q.”

In Nebraska, immigrants are filling jobs at meatpacking plants and in the farm fields. Their increased presence was a factor in the May 9 Republican governor’s primary in this solidly GOP state and is expected to figure in Democratic Sen. Ben Nelson’s re-election race against Republican challenger Pete Ricketts.

Nelson opposes Bush’s ideas, which largely track with a bill recently passed in the Senate that contains a guest worker program and a shot at citizenship for illegal immigrants along with increased border security. Nelson prefers the approach adopted last year in a radically different House bill, which is generally limited to enhanced border enforcement and hard-line measures such as making all illegal immigrants felons.

Nelson said he doubts that House and Senate negotiators — who have yet to begin meeting — will be able to bridge the divide and craft compromise legislation. “The Nebraskans I know and talk to want to secure the border first,” he said.

Nelson’s Senate colleague, Republican Chuck Hagel, is an outspoken supporter of the Senate measure. At the event with Bush, he earned the president’s praise.

Consensus emerging despite ‘elbows’
With business groups who want a steady supply of cheap labor, the driving force behind a temporary worker program, Bush noted the support of Nebraska’s hospitality and agricultural industries. He also countered pessimistic sentiments like Nelson’s.

“I know you probably look at Washington and think it’s impossible to develop a consensus in Washington, D.C. It probably seems that way, doesn’t it, when you pay attention to all the sharp elbows being thrown and, you know, the people opinionating and screaming and hollering and calling each other names,” the president said. “But there is a consensus emerging on this issue.”

Bush’s Omaha visit wrapped up a two-day journey devoted to immigration. On Tuesday, Bush traveled to two border states — visiting the Border Patrol’s agent training facility in Artesia, N.M., before going to the agency’s busy sector headquarters near the Rio Grande River in Laredo, Texas.

© 2006 The Associated Press

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Time To Rid America Of This Fraudulent Congressman

Congressman Chris Cannon is "inspired" to rid America of the illegal aliens that are criminals. Then he wants to bring the remaining illegal aliens [out of the shadows] and afford them American civil liberties! He is attempting to pass himself off as a Congressman Tom Tancredo, but what he is really endorsing is AMNESTY for illegal aliens. (This moves these illegals to the head of a long waiting list of immigrants that have been trying to enter America the correct way. Immigrants that Americans will be proud to include in our dream.)

It is true, there are several degrees of criminal activity, but criminal activity is still criminal. Enforce the current laws, intercepting illegal alien invaders and prosecuting employers that recruit and knowingly offer jobs to these criminals.

Congressman Cannon's banal arguement about America not having the funds to deport illegal aliens is a smoke screen. If employers can not hire these criminals then all that can happen is the illegal aliens will go somewhere else to seek jobs. Perhaps, back to their country where they can force reform in their own government?

Enclosed in this posting is a portion of the congressman's website where he pretends to be against amnesty. Speak up America and citizens of Utah. Do what you can to send Congressman Cannon into retirement!

Cannon's Position

David A. Bess

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Bush And The U.S. Government Continue To Betray Patriotic Americans!
(See The Mexican Government's Report In The Posting Below This One)

U.S. tipping Mexico to Minuteman patrols
By Sara A. Carter, Staff Writer

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While Minuteman civilian patrols are keeping an eye out for illegal border crossers, the U.S. Border Patrol is keeping an eye out for Minutemen -- and telling the Mexican government where they are.

According to three documents on the Mexican Secretary of Foreign Relations Web site, the U.S. Border Patrol is to notify the Mexican government as to the location of Minutemen and other civilian border patrol groups when they participate in apprehending illegal immigrants -- and if and when violence is used against border crossers.

A U.S. Customs and Border Protection spokesman confirmed the notification process, describing it as a standard procedure meant to reassure the Mexican government that migrants' rights are being observed.

"It's not a secret where the Minuteman volunteers are going to be," Mario Martinez said Monday.

"This ... simply makes two basic statements -- that we will not allow any lawlessness of any type, and that if an alien is encountered by a Minuteman or arrested by the Minuteman, then we will allow that government to interview the person."

Minuteman members were not so sanguine about the arrangement, however, saying that reporting their location to Mexican officials nullifies their effectiveness along the border and could endanger their lives.

"Now we know why it seemed like Mexican officials knew where we were all the time," said Chris Simcox, founder of the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps. "It's unbelievable that our own government agency is sending intelligence to another country. They are sending intelligence to a nation where corruption runs rampant, and that could be getting into the hands of criminal cartels.

"They just basically endangered the lives of American people."

Officials with the Mexican consulate in Washington, D.C., could not be reached for comment Monday.

Martinez said reporting the location of immigrant apprehensions to consulate representatives is common practice if an illegal immigrant requests counsel or believes they have been mistreated.

"Once an illegal alien is apprehended, they can request counsel," he said. "We have to give their counsel the information about their apprehension, and that includes where they are apprehended, whether a Minuteman volunteer spotted them or a citizen."

Martinez said Mexico's official perception of the civilian groups is that they are vigilantes, a belief the Border Patrol hoped to allay by entering into the cooperative agreement.

One of the documents on the Web site, "Actions of the Mexican Government in Relation to the Activities of Vigilante Groups," states that Mexican consulate representatives stay in close contact with Border Patrol chiefs to ensure the safety of migrants trying to enter the U.S., those being detained and the actions of all "vigilantes" along the border.

"The Mexican consul in Presidio also contacted the chief of the Border Patrol in the Marfa Sector to solicit his cooperation in case they detect any activity of `vigilantes,' and was told to immediately contact the consulate if there was," according to the document.

"Presidio" refers to Presidio County, Texas, which is in the Big Bend region and a gateway to northern Mexico.

The document also describes a meeting with San Diego Border Patrol sector chief Darryl Griffen.

"(Griffen) said that the Border Patrol will not permit any violence or any actions contrary to the law by the groups, and he is continuously aware of (the volunteer organizations') operations," according to the document. "Mr. Griffen reiterated to the undersecretary his promise to notify the General Consul right away when the vigilantes detain or participate in the detention of any undocumented Mexicans."

The documents specifically named the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps and its patrols, which began monitoring Arizona's southern border in April 2005, as well as Friends of the Border Patrol, a Chino-based nonprofit.

TJ Bonner, president of the National Border Patrol Council, a union representing more than 10,000 Border Patrol agents, said agents have complained for years about the Mexican consulate's influence over the agency.

"It worries me (that the Mexican government) seems to be unduly influencing our enforcement policies. That's not a legitimate role for any foreign nation," Bonner said, though he added, "It doesn't surprise me."

Border Patrol agents interviewed by the Daily Bulletin said they have been asked to report to sector headquarters the location of all civilian volunteer groups, but to not file the groups' names in reports if they spot illegal immigrants.

"Last year an internal memo notified all agents not to give credit to Minuteman volunteers or others who call in sightings of illegal aliens," said one agent, who spoke on the condition he not be identified. "We were told to list it as a citizen call and leave it at that. Many times, we were told not to go out to Minuteman calls."

The document also mentions locations of field operations of Friends of the Border Patrol, which patrolled the San Diego sector from June to November 2005. Mexican officials had access to the exact location of the group founded by Andy Ramirez, which ran its patrols from the Rough Acre Ranch, a private property in McCain Valley.

Ramirez said that for safety reasons, he disclosed the location of his ranch patrol only to San Diego Border Patrol and law enforcement officials. The group did not apprehend or spot any undocumented migrants in that area.

"We did not release this information ... to the media or anyone else," Ramirez said. "We didn't want to publicize that information. But there it is, right on the Mexican government's Web site, and our government gave it to them."

The Mexican Government's Own Report From The U.S. Government On Movements And Location Of The Minutemen
(The U.S. Government Disputes The Mexican Government's Report)
(See Posting Above)

Spanish Translation

Translation Provided By: Babelfish at Alta Vista
Ms. Harris Meet Mr. Lugar!
Mr. Lugar Meet Ms. Harris!

S. 853: North American Cooperative Security Act

Introduced ( By Sen. Richard Lugar R-IN )

H.R. 2672: North American Cooperative Security Act


If you truly have the interest of Florida, Indiana, and America as a focal point of your elected terms, then how can you introduce these? This garbage does nothing to secure America's borders, but attempts to create one North American country. America must vote these anti-Americans out of office.

David A. Bess
Excerpt From HR-2672 (Ms. Harris Meet.............................)

The progress made in developing and implementing a North American cargo security strategy that creates a common security perimeter around the United States, Canada, and Mexico by enhancing technical assistance for programs and systems to support advance reporting and risk management of cargo data, improved integrity measures through automated collection of fees, and advance technology to rapidly screen cargo.

BORDER WAIT TIMES.--The progress made by the Secretary of State and Secretary of Homeland Security, in consultation with national, provincial, and municipal governments, to--
(A) reduce waiting times at international border crossings through low-risk land ports of entry facilitating programs, including the status of the Secure Electronic Network for Travelers Rapid Inspection program (referred to in this section as the ``SENTRI program'') and the NEXUS program--
(B) measure and report wait times for commercial and non-commercial traffic at the land ports of the United States, Canada, and Mexico, and establish compatible performance standards for operating under normal security alert conditions;


Excerpt From S. 853 (Mr. Lugar Meet ...........................)
The progress made in developing and implementing a North American cargo security  strategy
that creates a common security perimeter by enhancing technical assistance for programs and
systems to support advance reporting and risk management of cargo data, improved integrity
measures through automated collection of fees, and advance technology to rapidly screen
(3) BORDER WAIT TIMES.--The progress made by the Secretary of State, in consultation
with national, provincial, and municipal governments, to--
(A) reduce waiting times at international border crossings through low-risk land ports of entry
facilitating programs, including the status of the Secure Electronic Network for Travelers Rapid
Inspection program (referred to in this section as ``SENTRI'') and the NEXUS program;
(B) measure and report wait times for commercial and non-commercial traffic at the land ports,
and establish compatible performance standards for operating under normal security alert

and blah, blah, blah more anti-American rhertoric.


We are watching and waiting for the November elections.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Ahhhh….., Summertime In Juarez.
Isn't It Nice That Our Senate Provided The Fertilizer For The Gardens? (S-2611)

June 1, 2006

According to local media and law enforcement officials one of the largest marijuana busts in local history occurred in Lebanon, Tennessee on this date. Approximately 740 pounds of illegal drugs were hidden behind a false wall inside an apparently empty tractor-trailer. As seen on the news videotape the only thing that could be seen inside the trailer was an electric drill. A drug-sniffing dog indicated the presence of marijuana.

The truck and three escort cars were stopped and six individuals were arrested. The driver of the truck was an Hispanic living in El Paso and he admitted to being paid $60.00 per pound to drive the truck to Nashville, Tennessee. A second Hispanic man claiming to live in Nashville was also arrested. Four other men all from Mexico were arrested. All are being held on $500,000 bond in Tennessee.

Apparently the marijuana was grown in Mexico, packaged, hidden in the truck, and driven unchallenged across our border toward Nashville, Tennessee. Inside the truck were stencils painted on the walls that read “Juarez”. Thanks to NAFTA drug producers and dealers have open highways into America.

My real concern is with the individuals. Of the six men arrested it appears that at least four of them are illegal aliens, or should I say "UNDOCUMENTED DRUG WORKERS"? Could these men just as easily have brought in nuclear or biological weapons? Could they just have easily been from Muslim countries that are vowing to destroy our country?

Congressman Gordon, now is no time to avoid the desires of the Tennessee voter and the American Citizen. Do not compromise on the trash Senate S-2611! If you and the other House members decide to delay action on the Senate trash immigration bill S-2611 the voters of your Tennessee district will assume you are voting YES for this shameful trash from the Senate.

The only thing the House should concern themselves with is to


Thank you,

David A. Bess
Murfreesboro, TN



Enclosed in this posting is a plan devised by Bay Buchanan from Team America. Please read carefully and forward it to your Congressman. Let them know that if they delay addressing the trash S-2611 from the Senate until after the November elections we will assume they are voting yes and we will vote them from office.

Support Team America's plan to rid the America citizens of Congressman Chris Cannon!

Read On
So the question is what do we do about it?  I have a plan.

Many of you are anxious for a national march on Washington.
I have seriously looked into it--talked to many, thought
about how best to do it, neven reserved the national mall.
My professional opinion: a march is not the best use of
our efforts.

I know for certain that those massive rallies by illegal
immigrants galvanized our side. Americans across the
country were shocked by the number of illegals in our
cities and unnerved by their demands. We shouldn’t be too
hasty to follow their lead.

Secondly, to do it right we need months of planning and
hundreds of thousands of dollars. We simply can’t afford
to spend our resources on a march. They are desperately
needed to stop the Senate bill from passing the House!

So how do we stop the Congress from folding under the
enormous pressure and agreeing to some guest worker

First, I propose we try to defeat Congressman Chris Cannon,
an open border
Republican from Utah. His primary is on
June 27. Cannon, aka King of
Amnesty, is so worried he
is running as a clone of Tom Tancredo. Team
plans to set the record straight with some hard hitting
radio ads
that will expose the Congressman’s abysmal
record on immigration.

Defeating Cannon will send shock waves through Congress.
Every one of
those lawmakers will understand the
message---“back down from your no
amnesty position and
pay the price in November.”

We must let these Congressmen know immigration is a
voting issue—they saw
it in the city council race in
Herndon, VA and again in the governor’s
race in Nebraska.
To see a Congressman lose a primary over it will
far more powerfully than any march.

So that is the immediate plan—target Cannon. Then another,
another…until we have removed the cancer entirely.
We must take back our
country from those who are so willing
to sell it out.

Tomorrow I meet with my media team to begin developing the
ads against

With your support I know we can buy the necessary media to
defeat this
Congressman, and replace him with one who will
fight for border security
and oppose all amnesties.

I hope you will help.

Thanks for all your tireless efforts in this battle to
preserve the nation
from the enemy within.

My best,
Bay Buchanan

P.S. Click here to donate to Team America PAC, and help
us remove from office those who favor amnesty!

P.P.S. Click here for a list of Congressmen who need to
be targeted for their pro-amnesty stance!

Tuesday, May 30, 2006



If you've expressed gratitude to your senators for voting NO on S-2611, you may have missed a sneaky trick they pulled along with my Senator Jon Kyl (AZ).

Check how they voted on cloture of 2611--they voted YES to bring the bill to a Senate floor vote rather than filllibuster it and let it die. The 10 senators who voted YES on cloture and then "flip-flopped" to vote NO on S-2611 (list below) knew that the bill would pass a Senate floor vote. So if they were REALLY opposed to amnesty, why didn't they vote NO on cloture as real patriots did--Jeff Sessions, Ernest Inhofe, Byron Dorgan, Robert Byrd and the rest.

These 10 senators voted to let it go for a floor vote because they really wanted S-2611 to pass--there's just no other explanation! Then they played good cop, bad cop and tried to recover their "anti" image by voting NO on passage, well aware that their NO vote was just symbolic.

If you really oppose a bill that is expected to pass, you'll do anything possible to prevent a floor vote, and cloture would have been the obvious way.

7 of the 10 turncoats are up for re-election this November, which tells why they voted NO. These 10 were just taking a chance that most people wouldn't recognize what they really did.

Make no mistake about it, had their votes been needed for passage of the bill, any or all of these 10 would have voted YES in a heartbeat. But don't be fooled that they were "anti" the bill--they did their political balancing act hoping most voters wouldn't catch on to them.

Call your Senator's office on Tuesday and let them know you're on to the senator's game by asking "If the senator is against the bill, why did they vote for cloture rather than let it die through filibuster?"

The staff may try that "even if all 10 voted NO against cloture, there would still have been enough votes to send S-2611 for a floor vote," but that's irrelevant. Following that logic, why did these 10 vote NO on the bill that they knew would pass anyway? Because they wanted to make political hay by claiming they voted NO!

We'd be interested in the answer you get. They're not counting on many citizens sharp enough to recognize what their "flip-flop" vote achieved.

If you want to let the staffers know what you think of their boss's "flip-flop," send a message to them here and ask for a written reply.

Below is a list of those who voted No on the bill and those of them who voted YES on cloture. Those in red are just as traitorous as those like McCain, Kennedy, and Specter who voted YES for passage.

NAYs ---36
Allard (R-CO)
Allen (R-VA)
Bond (R-MO)
Bunning (R-KY)
Burns (R-MT)
Burr (R-NC)
Byrd (D-WV)
Chambliss (R-GA)
Coburn (R-OK)
Cochran (R-MS) YES ON CLOTURE --up for re-election
Crapo (R-ID)
DeMint (R-SC)
Dole (R-NC)
Dorgan (D-ND)
Ensign (R-NV)
Enzi (R-WY)
Grassley (R-IA)
Hatch (R-UT) YES ON CLOTURE--up for re-election
Hutchison (R-TX) YES ON CLOTURE--up for re-election

Inhofe (R-OK)
Isakson (R-GA)
Kyl (R-AZ) YES ON CLOTURE--up for re-election
Lott (R-MS) YES ON CLOTURE--up for re-election

Roberts (R-KS)
Santorum (R-PA)
Sessions (R-AL)
Shelby (R-AL)
Stabenow (D-MI) YES ON CLOTURE--up for re-election
Sununu (R-NH)
Talent (R-MO)
Thomas (R-WY) YES ON CLOTURE--up for re-election
Thune (R-SD)
Vitter (R-LA)

Thanks to WWW.TnRIP.ORG

Friday, May 26, 2006

Representative Bart Gordon - Now Is The Time!

Representative Gordon,
I do not believe I am a crackpot or alarmist. I am an educator in your district. Please do not follow the destructive path that those cowardly greedy senators have set for America. Oppose the immigration bill passed today out of that formally great body in Washington.

Your Tennesseans and America demand that you step up and become a visual and vocal opponent of this destructive anti-American legislation.

Please use the platform and forum that your supporters presented to you during the last election. This issue is not racial, not a matter of verbal semantics, not a republican or democrat party issue. This is about the America you love and want to represent. The cost of this senate legislation is not just a monetary calculation. The true cost is the loss of America.

Please deviate from the politically safe course you have taken. I'm not asking that you forget the issues that you campaigned on, but to grasp the most important issue of your career.

You have the opportunities and access to the press, to fellow representatives, and to the public (the voters that placed you in Washington). Become vocal! Become a political activitist from inside the House. Do not limit yourself to ineffectual mailings and photo-opt smiles. Be the voice of the Tennesseans that count on you to represent them.

Please Mr. Gordon do what is right for your people. Perhaps there is a political price in becoming an American Hero. Has there ever been an American Hero that did not pay a price, but emerged as a hero?

Please help America and Tennessee.

Thank you.

David A. Bess
Murfreesboro, TN.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

America Is Sad, America Is Dead, Long Live America

The Price of America.

Mr. McCain,
Tomorrow morning when you look into your mirror how will you feel to see a man that once was a hero, and now is nothing more then a lacky for corporate America and a third rate dictator in a third world country.

As a Vietnam era vet my respect for you is gone. You have sold-out America for whatever political ambitions you have and to be a corporate shill.

For my remaining days I will dedicate my available time to campaigning for anyone that opposes you in all future elections. Perhaps, as per yours and others design, the pending new illegal "citizens" will vote for you?

In the end you are nothing more then a bought and paid for cowardly political lackey.

Enjoy your dubious new stature.

David A. Bess
American Citizen

Saturday, May 20, 2006

To Financial Hell In A Senate Hand-Basket!

Illegals granted Social Security

By Charles Hurt
May 19, 2006

The Senate voted yesterday to allow illegal aliens to collect Social Security benefits based on past illegal employment -- even if the job was obtained through forged or stolen documents.
"There was a felony they were committing, and now they can't be prosecuted. That sounds like amnesty to me," said Sen. John Ensign, the Nevada Republican who offered the amendment yesterday to strip out those provisions of the immigration reform bill. "It just boggles the mind how people could be against this amendment."
The Ensign amendment was defeated on a 50-49 vote.
"We all know that millions of undocumented immigrants pay Social Security and Medicare taxes for years and sometimes decades while they work to contribute to our economy," said Sen. John McCain, Arizona Republican.
"The Ensign amendment would undermine the work of these people by preventing lawfully present immigrant workers from claiming Social Security benefits that they earned before they were authorized to work in our community," he said. "If this amendment were enacted, the nest egg that these immigrants have worked hard for would be taken from them and their families."
Mr. Ensign was among 44 Republicans and five Democrats who voted to block such payouts.
"It makes no sense to reward millions of illegal immigrants for criminal behavior while our Social Security system is already in crisis," said Sen. Jim DeMint, South Carolina Republican. "Why in the world would we endorse this criminal activity with federal benefits? The Senate missed a big opportunity to improve this bill, and I doubt American seniors will be pleased with the result."
Sen. Patrick J. Leahy, Vermont Democrat, said it would be unfair to deny illegals the benefits.
"We should not steal their funds or empty their Social Security accounts," he said. "That is not fair. It does not reward their hard work or their financial contributions. It violates the trust that underlies the Social Security Trust Fund."
Within hours, the vote had become an issue in this fall's elections, raised by a Republican challenger to Sen. Debbie Stabenow, Michigan Democrat.
"Instead of protecting the retirement security of Americans who are earning an honest living and abiding by the laws of our country, Debbie Stabenow sided with people who are here illegally and abuse our Social Security system," Oakland County, Mich., Sheriff Michael Bouchard said in a press release. "Allowing illegal immigrants to use their illegal work history as credit towards receiving Social Security benefits shows that Debbie Stabenow has forgotten who she is supposed to be working for in the U.S. Senate."
The Senate also yesterday approved an amendment to adopt English as the nation's official language, while reversing course from the day before on protections for U.S. workers who will face new competition from unskilled immigrant labor under the Senate bill. In addition, senators voted last night to kill an amendment that would have specified that the guest-worker program will not provide visas that would provide a path to citizenship.
On Wednesday, senators narrowly approved an amendment to require a foreign worker to have a job lined up in the United States before applying for a green card. The purpose, supporters say, is to ensure that the job market isn't flooded with foreign workers. Also, it prevents foreign workers from coming to the United States only to wind up unemployed and dependent on public assistance.
But yesterday, the Senate essentially gutted that amendment by allowing foreign workers to apply for permanent residency without having a job lined up.
"What that means is that up to 200,000 unskilled workers a year would become eligible for a green card, regardless of economic conditions, regardless of whether that worker has been actually employed for four years, and most importantly, regardless of whether there are unemployed U.S. workers available to fill those jobs," said Sen. John Cornyn, Texas Republican.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

A Third Rate Mexican President's Whores - George W. Bush and the U.S. Senate

Reposted From The Above Patriotic Web Sight
Please take a few minutes to read the article below by Frosty Wooldridge and share it with your own friends and family. If the U.S. Senate DOES pass any sort of amnesty bill and it isn't killed in the U. S. House, this Nation will be unrecognizable within 10 years. If the House DOES kill it, we will soon begin seeing REAL riots in our streets by the Reconquistas.

There must be ENFORCEMENT with NO amnesty and we need to continue making certain that our elected officials hear it OVER and OVER and OVER as our own Senators, Frist and Alexander, have sold out the American people in favor of big business and their campaign contributions!!

Theresa Harmon
Tennesseans for Responsible Immigration Policies

PS- we are the Tennessee contact for Mr. Wooldridge's "Paul Revere Ride" (listed at the end of his article). It will be coming through Tennessee in June and we will keep everyone posted on exact scheduling as we know more.


By Frosty Wooldridge

“While giving that ridiculous amnesty speech on how he’s going to guard our borders against illegal aliens last Monday,” Los Angeles radio talk show host Terry Anderson said, “Bush looked as nervous as a whore in church.”

After five years of neglecting border protection, Bush offered amnesty to 20 million illegal aliens who have resided illegally in the United States for an extended amount of time. That’s like being the president of a bank—then allowing bank robbers to walk in, rob the bank—stand around for a few days until their robbery blows over—then expect to deposit ‘their’ money like honest citizens—and take up residence in the bank as if it were their home.

In his speech, he offered sad testimony about one illegal alien who was injured while serving in the U.S. military. That’s like giving solace to a bank robber whose been shot for robbing a bank. Bush would have been better off giving solace to Bonnie Eggle, mother of National Park Ranger Kris Eggle who was shot by a Mexican drug smuggler. Bush needs to give solace to the families of Dale Englerth, Justin Goodman, Officer Don Young, John Hessler and thousands of Americans sacrificed in death, disease and drugs by illegals.

After illegals knowingly invaded our borders, Bush proposes amnesty to 20 million criminals with a path to citizenship. How can one man degrade U.S. citizenship to that of a criminal? Let’s look at the reality of what we face.

The fall of the Roman Empire occurred after Emperor Valens opened Rome’s borders in 376 A.D. By 476 A.D., Rome vanished after it allowed the Goth nation to cross the Danube River. If the United States won’t protect its borders, its language or its culture, and will not enforce itslaws--it will repeat Rome’s fall. Mexico’s invasion of the United States exceeds the scale of the Goth migration into Rome or any other migration in history.

As a nation we must protect our borders if we expect long term survival of the American Republic. Legal immigrants must demonstrate they intend to become Americans by learning our common language, English, and assimilating into the American culture that honors individual liberty, hard work and self-reliance. We cannot and must not reward criminals whose first act in our country was to break our laws.

The one aspect of Bush’s speech that hasn’t made an impact on Americans yet, is the addition of at least 100 million and up to 193 million people in the next 20 to 30 years. If that Senate amnesty bill moves ahead, we shall be invaded worse than Rome with consequences exactly like Rome. We will become a dead country.

Charles Hurt of Washington Times, May 16, 2006, wrote, “The Senate immigration reform bill would allow for up to 193 million new legal immigrants -- a number greater than 60 percent of the current U.S. population -- in the next 20 years.”

Senator Jeff Sessions, Alabama Republican said, “Congress is blissfully ignorant of the scope and impact of the bill, which has bipartisan support in the Senate and has been praised by President Bush.”

This illustrates the ‘gross stupidity’ of our senators and this president who refuse to ‘see’ what a statesman like Sessions sees. Senator Sessions is to be commended for his intellect and common sense.

On the other side of reality, Republican Senators Chuck Hagel of Nebraska and Mel Martinez of Florida ‘tossed’ the bill together like a couple of mad chefs giving illegal aliens who have been in the U.S. two years or longer a right to citizenship. They did it in the face of 85 percent of the American public that demands no amnesty and a securing of our borders with troops.

The bill allows the annual flow of legal immigrants to double to more than two million annually. The guest-worker program adds 325,000 new workers annually who could later apply for citizenship.

Just consider 20 million illegal aliens, if not more, being allowed to bring their wives and kids into the USA! If only half the illegals are married, the average Mexican wife has three to six kids, that’s a minimum of 30 million Spanish speaking kids crammed into our classrooms.

Senator Byron L. Dorgan, North Dakota Democrat, said that he would introduce an amendment to strip out the guest-worker program, warning that the legislation would "pull apart the middle class in this country."

America slides into the low wage capitol of the world and suffers the loss of the Middle Class. We’d all become the low class mirroring a Third World country. On top of that, we’d be importing the entrenched poor of other countries with no intellectual tools or skills to maintain or sustain our country.

If enacted, the Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act (CIRA, S.2611) would be the most dramatic change in immigration law in 80 years, allowing an estimated 103 million to as high as 193 million persons to legally immigrate to the U.S. over the next 20 years— fully one-third of the current population of the United States.

Even Newt Gingrich said, “The GOP is drifting toward disaster. I am very worried that the Republican leadership in the Senate and potentially the White House are just going to end up very alienated from the vast majority of Americans on this issue. The Senate bill is an absolute disaster."

Gingrich cited Gallup polling data that underscores the importance of an enforcement-first approach taken by the House:

  • 84% say the U.S. should go after employers who hire illegal immigrants
  • 86% say the U.S. should cut off federal funding for cities and states that refuse to enforce the law
  • 90% say English should be a requirement to become a citizen
  • 85% say citizens should have a voter-identity card to make sure only Americans are voting

As you can imagine how nervous a whore would be sitting in church, we have a president who can no longer lie, duck or deceive his ‘congregation’ which is an increasingly astute American citizenry. He can’t pretend any more. He can’t fool us and Bush cannot ignore us. Illegals work all our jobs! We are the ones being killed, raped, robbed, introduced to TB, leprosy, hepatitis, and our schools and hospitals overrun. We’re tired of this president with no clothes as he parades in his regal falsities against our Constitution.

Beyond his being ‘nervous’ facing U.S. citizens, he can’t keep telling us that we ‘can’t’ deport 20 million illegal aliens. We don’t have to. We simply enforce our laws against employers of illegal aliens. We shut down the rides at Disneyland and the folks go home. No more come to Disneyland It’s call “Attrition through Enforcement” and it works.

If he allows this massive amnesty bill, our country will pile up in the history books along with Rome.

If Mr. President, you think mass immigration can continue, first tell Americans where our waters are too pure, where the air is too fresh, where there is too little roadway congestion, insufficient urban sprawl, too much biodiversity, not enough energy consumption, under-utilized landfills, too much cheap electrical power, where jobs for underprivileged minorities are too abundant, and where our national parks are not loved to death. Tell us how there is too little gridlock in our cities. Tell us there aren’t two million homeless people in America. Tell us we need more immigrants instead of taking care of millions of our own poor.

How on God’s green earth can an added 100 million to 200 million more people make America better? Is it better in China? How about India? Anyone traveled to Bangladesh lately? Please answer that Mr. Bush, because the fact is, you cannot. With your lack of integrity and ineptitude, I agree with Terry Anderson: you should be as nervous as a whore in church.

The detailed route map and each state capital visit schedule is available at We can always work-in another rally, but planning time is running short. Inquire at Frosty's email address for full details on how you can support the PRR Team: Howard Wooldridge at Start date is May 29, 2006 in Denver, CO -- with completion in Washington, DC set for 12 Aug 2006.