Monday, April 10, 2006

Senator McCain's Automated Reply

Thank you for taking the time to contact my office.  Your
views and opinions are important to me. Due to the high
volume of Internet requests that I receive daily, I am
unable to provide you with an immediate response. However,
if you have included a current mailing address and phone
number, you will receive a response by phone or via the
U.S. Postal Service. If you did not include a mailing
address and would like to receive a response, please fill
out the information on my webform located at:

I regret any inconvenience that this delay in corresponding
may cause.

Again, thank you for contacting my office.


John McCain
U.S. Senator


-----Original Message-----
From: David Bess []
Sent: Friday, April 07, 2006 9:13 PM
To: McCain, Senator (McCain)
Subject: America: Gone

Senator McCain,
This is a copy of my letter to The President.
If you desire a higher office you should read this letter.
Stand up for America. Enforce our borders and say no to

David A. Bess
Murfreesboro, TN.

Mr. President,
I have been a supporter through both of your terms.
Now I realize my support for you, the Republican Party
and even the Democratic Party has been misplaced. I see
no difference between you (Republicans) and the Democrats.
I've been a vocal supporter of you and the war on
terrorism; even the war in Iraq. However, all of my support
has vanished. With your public stance on illegal immigration,
blanket amnesty for criminals, your cowardly stance with the
Mexican president (Fox), and your unwaivering support of the
desires of large business, I now understand how history will
describe your terms as nothing more then a small,
insignificant man destroying the country he was elected to

The disdain you exhibit for the citizens of American will
mark you throughout history. In the most simple terms that
you and your cronies can understand; "IF YOUR LIPS ARE
MOVING, YOU ARE LYING". Perhaps your cowardly behavior
in the presence of the Mexican president will cause their
oil reserves not to go to mainland China, this year? Who
cares? Your continued cowardly behavior surely will
maintain a supply of cheap labor for corporate interest
in the former United States of America.

The Senate, notably Frist, McCain, Kennedy, Specter and all
the other losers, have contributed to the downfall of our
democracy. I understand Frist has aspirations for higher
office, yours, but I will campaign against any Republican
or Democratic candidate.

Your arrogance is a slap in the face of every American.
Americans I now understand you have never been part of
during your privileged life. It is so clear now, if you
can understand our language, you have become an
internationalist, wanting to destroy our borders, designed
to protect the citizens that supported your election,
in favor of business.

I am saddened to see a potentially good man and president
sink to nothing more then a lackey to a minor official from
a second rate country (Mexico) and also to the corporations
of the world. Even more sad is the demise of a great country,
a beacon of freedom, a dream for humanity, because you,
the Senate, and the House were cowards.

David A. Bess
Murfreesboro, TN.

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