Thursday, June 01, 2006

Ahhhh….., Summertime In Juarez.
Isn't It Nice That Our Senate Provided The Fertilizer For The Gardens? (S-2611)

June 1, 2006

According to local media and law enforcement officials one of the largest marijuana busts in local history occurred in Lebanon, Tennessee on this date. Approximately 740 pounds of illegal drugs were hidden behind a false wall inside an apparently empty tractor-trailer. As seen on the news videotape the only thing that could be seen inside the trailer was an electric drill. A drug-sniffing dog indicated the presence of marijuana.

The truck and three escort cars were stopped and six individuals were arrested. The driver of the truck was an Hispanic living in El Paso and he admitted to being paid $60.00 per pound to drive the truck to Nashville, Tennessee. A second Hispanic man claiming to live in Nashville was also arrested. Four other men all from Mexico were arrested. All are being held on $500,000 bond in Tennessee.

Apparently the marijuana was grown in Mexico, packaged, hidden in the truck, and driven unchallenged across our border toward Nashville, Tennessee. Inside the truck were stencils painted on the walls that read “Juarez”. Thanks to NAFTA drug producers and dealers have open highways into America.

My real concern is with the individuals. Of the six men arrested it appears that at least four of them are illegal aliens, or should I say "UNDOCUMENTED DRUG WORKERS"? Could these men just as easily have brought in nuclear or biological weapons? Could they just have easily been from Muslim countries that are vowing to destroy our country?

Congressman Gordon, now is no time to avoid the desires of the Tennessee voter and the American Citizen. Do not compromise on the trash Senate S-2611! If you and the other House members decide to delay action on the Senate trash immigration bill S-2611 the voters of your Tennessee district will assume you are voting YES for this shameful trash from the Senate.

The only thing the House should concern themselves with is to


Thank you,

David A. Bess
Murfreesboro, TN

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