Mr. Frist,
So much for you possessing leadership skills. You are on the wrong side of the illegal "criminal" alien invasion. You obviously continue to desire election to the Office of the President, however your desires were buried under the flags of illegal "criminal" aliens that marched in OUR streets.
How dare you sell out my country for your desires?
Say So Long, Farewell and Good-bye to your presidential desires.
Compromise with that, Mr. Frist.
David A. Bess
Murfreesboro, TN.
Sunday, April 30, 2006
Can Representative Gordan Take The Big Step?
Representative Gordan,
Thank you for the beginnings of responsible representation
for the citizens of Tennessee.
Please become vocal about our country's crisis and plight.
Please vocalize support to Secure Our Borders worry about
everything else later!
Perhaps, you will come to realize if you do not step up
loudly now you will soon have no state or country to
be elected to represent!
SECURE OUR BORDERS and worry about everything else later!
David A. Bess
> ----- Original Message -----
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: WriteRep Responses
> Date: Mon, 24 Apr 2006 17:33:56 -0400
> April 24, 2006
> Mr. David Bess
> Dear David,
> Thank you for contacting me about the
> state of our nation's borders security. I
> appreciate hearing from you.
> I agree with you about the importance
> of securing our nation's borders. The
> uncontrolled flow of people across our
> border poses a serious threat to national
> security, jobs, and welfare. For that
> reason, I have been a long time advocate for
> more border security. In the 108th
> Congress, I voted to allow the U.S. military
> to patrol our borders if needed. Last year,
> I voted for the REAL ID Act which allows for
> the completion of a security fence along the
> San Diego border with Mexico.
> Last December, I voted for the tough
> immigration bill that passed the U.S. House
> of Representatives. The bill requires the
> U.S. Department of Homeland Security to
> develop a national strategy for border
> security and to work with the Department of
> Defense to increase the availability and use
> of military equipment in border
> surveillance. The legislation also requires
> installation of security fencing along key
> points of the Mexican border.
> I am also co-sponsoring several bills to
> address this problem. For example, I am
> cosponsoring H.R. 4313, the TRUE Enforcement
> and Border Security Act, which will provide
> for the construction of a security fence
> along the U.S./Mexico border. I am also
> cosponsoring H.R. 780 which provides for
> assured funding for more border patrol
> agents, H.R. 3704 which establishes a Border
> Patrol Auxiliary to help the U.S. Border
> Patrol monitor the U.S. / Mexican border,
> and H.R. 4816, which criminalizes the
> construction or financing of a border
> tunnel.
> I have supported these and other
> measures to secure our nation's borders and
> to control the rising number of people that
> enter our country illegally each year at a
> high cost to American citizens. As
> legislation is introduced in Congress that
> affects immigration, rest assured that I
> will carefully review it to ensure that it
> is right for our country and right for
> Middle Tennessee.
> Thank you again for contacting me. If
> I may be of assistance to you or your
> family, feel free to call on me.
> Stay in touch,
> /s
> Member of Congress
> P.S. Sign-up for E-News. Receive e-mail
> about important issues and services for your
> family. Just log on to my website at
> and click "Subscribe to
> E-News".
Thank you for the beginnings of responsible representation
for the citizens of Tennessee.
Please become vocal about our country's crisis and plight.
Please vocalize support to Secure Our Borders worry about
everything else later!
Perhaps, you will come to realize if you do not step up
loudly now you will soon have no state or country to
be elected to represent!
SECURE OUR BORDERS and worry about everything else later!
David A. Bess
> ----- Original Message -----
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: WriteRep Responses
> Date: Mon, 24 Apr 2006 17:33:56 -0400
> April 24, 2006
> Mr. David Bess
> Dear David,
> Thank you for contacting me about the
> state of our nation's borders security. I
> appreciate hearing from you.
> I agree with you about the importance
> of securing our nation's borders. The
> uncontrolled flow of people across our
> border poses a serious threat to national
> security, jobs, and welfare. For that
> reason, I have been a long time advocate for
> more border security. In the 108th
> Congress, I voted to allow the U.S. military
> to patrol our borders if needed. Last year,
> I voted for the REAL ID Act which allows for
> the completion of a security fence along the
> San Diego border with Mexico.
> Last December, I voted for the tough
> immigration bill that passed the U.S. House
> of Representatives. The bill requires the
> U.S. Department of Homeland Security to
> develop a national strategy for border
> security and to work with the Department of
> Defense to increase the availability and use
> of military equipment in border
> surveillance. The legislation also requires
> installation of security fencing along key
> points of the Mexican border.
> I am also co-sponsoring several bills to
> address this problem. For example, I am
> cosponsoring H.R. 4313, the TRUE Enforcement
> and Border Security Act, which will provide
> for the construction of a security fence
> along the U.S./Mexico border. I am also
> cosponsoring H.R. 780 which provides for
> assured funding for more border patrol
> agents, H.R. 3704 which establishes a Border
> Patrol Auxiliary to help the U.S. Border
> Patrol monitor the U.S. / Mexican border,
> and H.R. 4816, which criminalizes the
> construction or financing of a border
> tunnel.
> I have supported these and other
> measures to secure our nation's borders and
> to control the rising number of people that
> enter our country illegally each year at a
> high cost to American citizens. As
> legislation is introduced in Congress that
> affects immigration, rest assured that I
> will carefully review it to ensure that it
> is right for our country and right for
> Middle Tennessee.
> Thank you again for contacting me. If
> I may be of assistance to you or your
> family, feel free to call on me.
> Stay in touch,
> /s
> Member of Congress
> P.S. Sign-up for E-News. Receive e-mail
> about important issues and services for your
> family. Just log on to my website at
> and click "Subscribe to
> E-News".
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
S.O.B. (Secure Our Borders)
Mr. President,
Please become the American you state you are.
Please Secure Our Borders!
Worry about everything else later.
Please Secure Our Borders!
Please become the American you state you are.
Please Secure Our Borders!
Worry about everything else later.
Please Secure Our Borders!
Monday, April 10, 2006
Senator McCain's Automated Reply
Thank you for taking the time to contact my office. Your
views and opinions are important to me. Due to the high
volume of Internet requests that I receive daily, I am
unable to provide you with an immediate response. However,
if you have included a current mailing address and phone
number, you will receive a response by phone or via the
U.S. Postal Service. If you did not include a mailing
address and would like to receive a response, please fill
out the information on my webform located at:
I regret any inconvenience that this delay in corresponding
may cause.
Again, thank you for contacting my office.
John McCain
U.S. Senator
-----Original Message-----
From: David Bess []
Sent: Friday, April 07, 2006 9:13 PM
To: McCain, Senator (McCain)
Subject: America: Gone
Senator McCain,
This is a copy of my letter to The President.
If you desire a higher office you should read this letter.
Stand up for America. Enforce our borders and say no to
David A. Bess
Murfreesboro, TN.
Mr. President,
I have been a supporter through both of your terms.
Now I realize my support for you, the Republican Party
and even the Democratic Party has been misplaced. I see
no difference between you (Republicans) and the Democrats.
I've been a vocal supporter of you and the war on
terrorism; even the war in Iraq. However, all of my support
has vanished. With your public stance on illegal immigration,
blanket amnesty for criminals, your cowardly stance with the
Mexican president (Fox), and your unwaivering support of the
desires of large business, I now understand how history will
describe your terms as nothing more then a small,
insignificant man destroying the country he was elected to
The disdain you exhibit for the citizens of American will
mark you throughout history. In the most simple terms that
you and your cronies can understand; "IF YOUR LIPS ARE
MOVING, YOU ARE LYING". Perhaps your cowardly behavior
in the presence of the Mexican president will cause their
oil reserves not to go to mainland China, this year? Who
cares? Your continued cowardly behavior surely will
maintain a supply of cheap labor for corporate interest
in the former United States of America.
The Senate, notably Frist, McCain, Kennedy, Specter and all
the other losers, have contributed to the downfall of our
democracy. I understand Frist has aspirations for higher
office, yours, but I will campaign against any Republican
or Democratic candidate.
Your arrogance is a slap in the face of every American.
Americans I now understand you have never been part of
during your privileged life. It is so clear now, if you
can understand our language, you have become an
internationalist, wanting to destroy our borders, designed
to protect the citizens that supported your election,
in favor of business.
I am saddened to see a potentially good man and president
sink to nothing more then a lackey to a minor official from
a second rate country (Mexico) and also to the corporations
of the world. Even more sad is the demise of a great country,
a beacon of freedom, a dream for humanity, because you,
the Senate, and the House were cowards.
David A. Bess
Murfreesboro, TN.
Does Tyson Foods Support Illegal (Criminal) Immigrants?
Mr. Valentine,
Enclosed is a message I sent to Tyson Foods this morning. ABC reported this
morning that this company was scaling back operations, today (4/10/06), so their
employees can rally in support of illegal (criminal) immigrants.
Please spread the word!
Thank you.
David A. Bess
Because of your support of illegal immigrants I will no longer knowingly purchase Tyson
products. It was reported on the national news this morning (4/10/06 ABC) that your
company was scaling back operations so that your employees could rally in support of
the illegal (criminal) immigrants. I will circulate this information to all that will listen or
David A. Bess
1506 River Rock Blvd.
Murfreesboro, TN. 37129
Mr. Valentine,
Enclosed is a message I sent to Tyson Foods this morning. ABC reported this
morning that this company was scaling back operations, today (4/10/06), so their
employees can rally in support of illegal (criminal) immigrants.
Please spread the word!
Thank you.
David A. Bess
Because of your support of illegal immigrants I will no longer knowingly purchase Tyson
products. It was reported on the national news this morning (4/10/06 ABC) that your
company was scaling back operations so that your employees could rally in support of
the illegal (criminal) immigrants. I will circulate this information to all that will listen or
David A. Bess
1506 River Rock Blvd.
Murfreesboro, TN. 37129
Thanks for your message. Contrary to what you may have heard, did not
encourage our workers to participate in today's rallies. Most Tyson
plants are running regular shifts today, although there have been
reports of higher than usual absenteeism at some locations. Virtually
all of the company's poultry plants and a majority of its beef and pork
plants are in operation. Some plants - fewer than ten of the more than
100 facilities the company owns -- are not operating today due to a
combination of factors, including market conditions that give us
scheduling flexibility and the potential absence of workers due to the
immigration rallies.
We want you to know we have zero tolerance for employing people who are
not authorized to work in the U.S. We use all available tools provided
by the U.S. government to help determine our Team Members are authorized
to work in this country.
Tyson voluntarily participates in the Department of Homeland Security's
Basic Pilot program, which allows us access to government databases that
assist in the documentation authentication process. We've used the Basic
Pilot at all of our plants since 1998. Before the Basic Pilot became
available, we participated in the government's Electronic Verification
Pilot or EVP program.
We train our hiring managers on proper employment documentation
procedure and work to increase their awareness of identification and
documentation fraud. We regularly audit our hiring process including
work authorization documents and also use an independent, outside
company, which conducts its own audit of our hiring practices.
The Basic Pilot is effective in helping us verify the Social Security
numbers of the people we hire. Unfortunately, the program has
limitations. It does not currently help us in cases of identity fraud
when an individual assumes someone else's name by using their Social
Security number. This is another reason we support efforts to reform
immigration law. We believe companies should not be placed in the role
of policing who has proper work documentation. If the government isn't
going to assume this responsibility, then it should give companies more
tools to do the job, such as an improved Basic Pilot that can help us
verify the previous employment of newly-hired workers.
-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Monday, April 10, 2006 4:12 AM
Subject: Contact Us form submission on
Friday, April 07, 2006
7 Principles of True Comprehensive Immigration Reform
7 Principles of True Comprehensive Immigration Reform
Reprinted from FAIRUS
It is critical to distinguish the reform that the public seeks from the deceptive package of measures that the immigration lobby is peddling. We feel it time the nation’s largest immigration reform organization speak out about “true comprehensive immigration reform.”
The evidence that illegal immigration and mass immigration are harming our country is overwhelming and irrefutable. Congestion, environment, crime, health care, education — the costs are too high for the American family to continue to bear.
Since immigration burst on the scene as a major national issue some 20 years ago, the term “reform” has been associated with those who believe that large-scale illegal immigration is a serious problem and overall levels of immigration need to be reduced. We’ve been educating the public for the last 25 years on the need for true and comprehensive reform, so when it comes to defining “reform”, we’ve written the book on it. Opponents of these reforms claimed that a problem did not exist and therefore reform was unnecessary.
Recently the political winds have shifted. As opponents of reform learned that the majority of the public were “pro-reform”, they changed their tune and have tried to wrap their defense of unchecked illegal immigration and record levels of legal immigration as being “reform measures” when, in fact, they are measures that will “deform” our already broken system.
True comprehensive immigration reform, as FAIR — the nation’s largest immigration reform organization — and the overwhelming majority of Americans believe it to be, must adhere to this set of immutable principles:
First Principle: Cut the Numbers
Any level of illegal immigration is unacceptable, and current legal immigrant admissions of about one million persons each year are entirely too many.
Any measure that increases either illegal or legal immigration violates this principle. Immigration is a discretionary public policy. Its primary purpose, since our founding, is to advance the interests and security of the nation.
Second Principle: No Amnesty or Mass Guest-Worker Program
The 1986 amnesty was a failure; rather than reducing illegal immigration, it led to an increase. Any new amnesty measure will further weaken respect for our immigration law. Therefore, all amnesty measures must be defeated.
Laws against illegal immigration must be enforced, if they are going to act as a deterrent. Redefining illegal aliens as “guest-workers” or anything else is just that: a redefinition that attempts to hide the fact it is an amnesty, not reform.
Third Principle: Protect Wages and Standards of Living
Immigration policy should not be permitted to undermine opportunities for America's poor and vulnerable citizens to improve their working conditions and wages. The need for guest workers must be determined by objective indicators that a shortage of workers exists, i.e., extreme wage inflation in a particular sector of the labor market.
The current system accepts self-serving attestations of employers who seek lower labor costs as protections of American workers. True reform requires an objective test of labor shortage demonstrated by rising wages to attract more American workers.
Fourth Principle: Major Upgrade in Interior Enforcement, Led by Strong Employers Penalties
Employers who knowingly employ unauthorized workers are the magnet that attracts illegal entry into the U.S. These employers are complicit in the illegal alien cartel activity of smuggling, trafficking, harboring, and employing and must be punished. We must reform the current system by enforcing employer sanctions and fully punishing employers who break the laws of this country. These punishments will be fines, jailing for repeat offenders, and loss of corporate charters.
Employers who knowingly or unknowingly employ illegal workers must be weaned off of their growing use of such workers by assuring a level playing field for all employers and demonstrating effective enforcement actions against employers who continue to exploit illegal workers. No U.S. industry has jobs in which there are no American workers. If illegal workers are decreased over time, wages offered will rise to attract back more American workers. Real shortages, as noted above, can be met with short-term temporary foreign workers.
The Basic Pilot Employment Verification program must be made mandatory and at no extra cost to employers.
Effective immigration enforcement on the border and the interior of the country requires that staffing, equipment, detention facilities, and removal capabilities be adequate to fully meet current needs. The measures needed to identify and remove illegal aliens will also remove the ability of potential terrorists to operate freely in our country as they plot the next catastrophic attack on our people.
Fifth Principle: Stop Special Interest Asylum Abuse
Reforming the refugee and asylum system means returning to the original purpose and definition of the program: “any person who... is unable or unwilling to return to, and is unable or unwilling to avail himself or herself of the protection of that country because of persecution or a well-founded fear of persecution on account of race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion....”
America must honor it responsibilities to protect people who are fleeing true political persecution as defined by U.S. and international law. Efforts to expand those definitions to include all forms of “social persecution” invite massive fraud and endanger the security of this nation. Similarly, treating aliens illegally residing in the country the same as foreigners on legal visitor visas for purposes of the Temporary Protected Status designation is illogical and a form of amnesty that must be ended.
Sixth Principle: Immigration Time Out
We must restore moderation to legal immigration. Beginning with the recommendations of the Jordan Commission in 1995, we need to restrict immigration to the minimum consistent with stabilizing the U.S. population.
Overall immigration must be reduced to balance out-migration, i.e., about 300,000 per year while still permitting nuclear family reunification and a narrowly focused refugee resettlement program. A moratorium on all other immigration should be immediately adopted pending true comprehensive immigration reform. We should abolish the extended relation preferences.
Seventh Principle: Equal Under the Law
There should be no favoritism toward or discrimination against any person on the basis of race, color, creed, or nationality.
All admission of immigrants should come within a single, stable ceiling which is periodically reviewed on the basis of a reasoned, explicit goal of achieving population stability. We should abolish special preferences such as the Cuban Adjustment Adjustment Act.
David A. Bess
Reprinted from FAIRUS
It is critical to distinguish the reform that the public seeks from the deceptive package of measures that the immigration lobby is peddling. We feel it time the nation’s largest immigration reform organization speak out about “true comprehensive immigration reform.”
The evidence that illegal immigration and mass immigration are harming our country is overwhelming and irrefutable. Congestion, environment, crime, health care, education — the costs are too high for the American family to continue to bear.
Since immigration burst on the scene as a major national issue some 20 years ago, the term “reform” has been associated with those who believe that large-scale illegal immigration is a serious problem and overall levels of immigration need to be reduced. We’ve been educating the public for the last 25 years on the need for true and comprehensive reform, so when it comes to defining “reform”, we’ve written the book on it. Opponents of these reforms claimed that a problem did not exist and therefore reform was unnecessary.
Recently the political winds have shifted. As opponents of reform learned that the majority of the public were “pro-reform”, they changed their tune and have tried to wrap their defense of unchecked illegal immigration and record levels of legal immigration as being “reform measures” when, in fact, they are measures that will “deform” our already broken system.
True comprehensive immigration reform, as FAIR — the nation’s largest immigration reform organization — and the overwhelming majority of Americans believe it to be, must adhere to this set of immutable principles:
First Principle: Cut the Numbers
Any level of illegal immigration is unacceptable, and current legal immigrant admissions of about one million persons each year are entirely too many.
Any measure that increases either illegal or legal immigration violates this principle. Immigration is a discretionary public policy. Its primary purpose, since our founding, is to advance the interests and security of the nation.
Second Principle: No Amnesty or Mass Guest-Worker Program
The 1986 amnesty was a failure; rather than reducing illegal immigration, it led to an increase. Any new amnesty measure will further weaken respect for our immigration law. Therefore, all amnesty measures must be defeated.
Laws against illegal immigration must be enforced, if they are going to act as a deterrent. Redefining illegal aliens as “guest-workers” or anything else is just that: a redefinition that attempts to hide the fact it is an amnesty, not reform.
Third Principle: Protect Wages and Standards of Living
Immigration policy should not be permitted to undermine opportunities for America's poor and vulnerable citizens to improve their working conditions and wages. The need for guest workers must be determined by objective indicators that a shortage of workers exists, i.e., extreme wage inflation in a particular sector of the labor market.
The current system accepts self-serving attestations of employers who seek lower labor costs as protections of American workers. True reform requires an objective test of labor shortage demonstrated by rising wages to attract more American workers.
Fourth Principle: Major Upgrade in Interior Enforcement, Led by Strong Employers Penalties
Employers who knowingly employ unauthorized workers are the magnet that attracts illegal entry into the U.S. These employers are complicit in the illegal alien cartel activity of smuggling, trafficking, harboring, and employing and must be punished. We must reform the current system by enforcing employer sanctions and fully punishing employers who break the laws of this country. These punishments will be fines, jailing for repeat offenders, and loss of corporate charters.
Employers who knowingly or unknowingly employ illegal workers must be weaned off of their growing use of such workers by assuring a level playing field for all employers and demonstrating effective enforcement actions against employers who continue to exploit illegal workers. No U.S. industry has jobs in which there are no American workers. If illegal workers are decreased over time, wages offered will rise to attract back more American workers. Real shortages, as noted above, can be met with short-term temporary foreign workers.
The Basic Pilot Employment Verification program must be made mandatory and at no extra cost to employers.
Effective immigration enforcement on the border and the interior of the country requires that staffing, equipment, detention facilities, and removal capabilities be adequate to fully meet current needs. The measures needed to identify and remove illegal aliens will also remove the ability of potential terrorists to operate freely in our country as they plot the next catastrophic attack on our people.
Fifth Principle: Stop Special Interest Asylum Abuse
Reforming the refugee and asylum system means returning to the original purpose and definition of the program: “any person who... is unable or unwilling to return to, and is unable or unwilling to avail himself or herself of the protection of that country because of persecution or a well-founded fear of persecution on account of race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion....”
America must honor it responsibilities to protect people who are fleeing true political persecution as defined by U.S. and international law. Efforts to expand those definitions to include all forms of “social persecution” invite massive fraud and endanger the security of this nation. Similarly, treating aliens illegally residing in the country the same as foreigners on legal visitor visas for purposes of the Temporary Protected Status designation is illogical and a form of amnesty that must be ended.
Sixth Principle: Immigration Time Out
We must restore moderation to legal immigration. Beginning with the recommendations of the Jordan Commission in 1995, we need to restrict immigration to the minimum consistent with stabilizing the U.S. population.
Overall immigration must be reduced to balance out-migration, i.e., about 300,000 per year while still permitting nuclear family reunification and a narrowly focused refugee resettlement program. A moratorium on all other immigration should be immediately adopted pending true comprehensive immigration reform. We should abolish the extended relation preferences.
Seventh Principle: Equal Under the Law
There should be no favoritism toward or discrimination against any person on the basis of race, color, creed, or nationality.
All admission of immigrants should come within a single, stable ceiling which is periodically reviewed on the basis of a reasoned, explicit goal of achieving population stability. We should abolish special preferences such as the Cuban Adjustment Adjustment Act.
David A. Bess
Senator Jeff Sessions an American Hero

An American Hero
From Alabama
Please go to the above link, read his words, evaluate his position, then send him your thanks and support. I'm not from Alabama, but we need more Americans like Senator Jeff Sessions.
David A. Bess
Murfreesboro, TN.
Murfreesboro, TN.
Mr. Bart Gordon of the former United States of America
Mr. Gordon,
Included in this letter is the email I sent to the Whitehouse and the President. Copies are now on its way to all of your "pals" in the House and Senate. I did not mention you in the letter, only because of your silence on the issue and your less than important role in the government. Because of your Party's stance and your inaction I will vocally campaign against your re-election each time you run for office.
Again, I implore you to become an outspoken hero for America and insist on border enforcement and no amnesty!
Thank you.
David A. Bess
Murfreesboro, TN.
Mr. President,
I have been a supporter through both of your terms.
Now I realize my support for you, the Republican Party
and even the Democratic Party has been misplaced. I see
no difference between you (Republicans) and the Democrats.
I've been a vocal supporter of you and the war on
terrorism; even the war in Iraq. However, all of my support
has vanished. With your public stance on illegal immigration,
blanket amnesty for criminals, your cowardly stance with the
Mexican president (Fox), and your unwaivering support of the
desires of large business, I now understand how history will
describe your terms as nothing more then a small,
insignificant man destroying the country he was elected to
The disdain you exhibit for the citizens of American will
mark you throughout history. In the most simple terms that
you and your cronies can understand; "IF YOUR LIPS ARE
MOVING, YOU ARE LYING". Perhaps your cowardly behavior
in the presence of the Mexican president will cause their
oil reserves not to go to mainland China, this year? Who
cares? Your continued cowardly behavior surely will
maintain a supply of cheap labor for corporate interest
in the former United States of America.
The Senate, notably Frist, McCain, Kennedy, Specter and all
the other losers, have contributed to the downfall of our
democracy. I understand Frist has aspirations for higher
office, yours, but I will campaign against any Republican
or Democratic candidate.
Your arrogance is a slap in the face of every American.
Americans I now understand you have never been part of
during your privileged life. It is so clear now, if you
can understand our language, you have become an
internationalist, wanting to destroy our borders, designed
to protect the citizens that supported your election,
in favor of business.
I am saddened to see a potentially good man and president
sink to nothing more then a lackey to a minor official from
a second rate country (Mexico) and also to the corporations of
the world. Even more sad is the demise of a great country,
a beacon of freedom, a dream for humanity, because you,
the Senate, and the House were cowards.
David A. Bess
Murfreesboro, TN.
Mr. Gordon,
Included in this letter is the email I sent to the Whitehouse and the President. Copies are now on its way to all of your "pals" in the House and Senate. I did not mention you in the letter, only because of your silence on the issue and your less than important role in the government. Because of your Party's stance and your inaction I will vocally campaign against your re-election each time you run for office.
Again, I implore you to become an outspoken hero for America and insist on border enforcement and no amnesty!
Thank you.
David A. Bess
Murfreesboro, TN.
Mr. President,
I have been a supporter through both of your terms.
Now I realize my support for you, the Republican Party
and even the Democratic Party has been misplaced. I see
no difference between you (Republicans) and the Democrats.
I've been a vocal supporter of you and the war on
terrorism; even the war in Iraq. However, all of my support
has vanished. With your public stance on illegal immigration,
blanket amnesty for criminals, your cowardly stance with the
Mexican president (Fox), and your unwaivering support of the
desires of large business, I now understand how history will
describe your terms as nothing more then a small,
insignificant man destroying the country he was elected to
The disdain you exhibit for the citizens of American will
mark you throughout history. In the most simple terms that
you and your cronies can understand; "IF YOUR LIPS ARE
MOVING, YOU ARE LYING". Perhaps your cowardly behavior
in the presence of the Mexican president will cause their
oil reserves not to go to mainland China, this year? Who
cares? Your continued cowardly behavior surely will
maintain a supply of cheap labor for corporate interest
in the former United States of America.
The Senate, notably Frist, McCain, Kennedy, Specter and all
the other losers, have contributed to the downfall of our
democracy. I understand Frist has aspirations for higher
office, yours, but I will campaign against any Republican
or Democratic candidate.
Your arrogance is a slap in the face of every American.
Americans I now understand you have never been part of
during your privileged life. It is so clear now, if you
can understand our language, you have become an
internationalist, wanting to destroy our borders, designed
to protect the citizens that supported your election,
in favor of business.
I am saddened to see a potentially good man and president
sink to nothing more then a lackey to a minor official from
a second rate country (Mexico) and also to the corporations of
the world. Even more sad is the demise of a great country,
a beacon of freedom, a dream for humanity, because you,
the Senate, and the House were cowards.
David A. Bess
Murfreesboro, TN.
Mr. President; Mexico's Lackey
Mr. President,
I have been a supporter through both of your terms.
Now I realize my support for you, the Republican Party
and even the Democratic Party has been misplaced. I see
no difference between you (Republicans) and the Democrats.
I've been a vocal supporter of you and the war on
terrorism; even the war in Iraq. However, all of my support
has vanished. With your public stance on illegal immigration,
blanket amnesty for criminals, your cowardly stance with the
Mexican president (Fox), and your unwaivering support of the
desires of large business, I now understand how history will
describe your terms as nothing more then a small,
insignificant man destroying the country he was elected to
The disdain you exhibit for the citizens of American will
mark you throughout history. In the most simple terms that
you and your cronies can understand; "IF YOUR LIPS ARE
MOVING, YOU ARE LYING". Perhaps your cowardly behavior
in the presence of the Mexican president will cause their
oil reserves not to go to mainland China, this year? Who
cares? Your continued cowardly behavior surely will
maintain a supply of cheap labor for corporate interest
in the former United States of America.
The Senate, notably Frist, McCain, Kennedy, Specter and all
the other losers, have contributed to the downfall of our
democracy. I understand Frist has aspirations for higher
office, yours, but I will campaign against any Republican
or Democratic candidate.
Your arrogance is a slap in the face of every American.
Americans I now understand you have never been part of
during your privileged life. It is so clear now, if you
can understand our language, you have become an
internationalist, wanting to destroy our borders, designed
to protect the citizens that supported your election,
in favor of business.
I am saddened to see a potentially good man and president
sink to nothing more then a lackey to a minor official from
a second rate country (Mexico) and also to the corporations of
the world. Even more sad is the demise of a great country,
a beacon of freedom, a dream for humanity, because you,
the Senate, and the House were cowards.
David A. Bess
Murfreesboro, TN.
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
If You're Against Blanket Amnesty; What Kind Of Amnesty Are You For?
Reply From Representative Bart Gordon
April 4, 2006
Mr. David Bess
Dear David,
Thank you for contacting me about
immigration reform. Hearing from you helps
me better represent Middle Tennessee.
As you may know, the House of
Representatives passed an immigration bill
last December with my support. The House
bill, H.R. 4437, did not include any kind of
amnesty or guest worker program. Rather
this bill provided for strengthened
enforcement of our immigration laws and
enhanced border security. The bill
stiffened penalties for a variety of
immigration law violations and cracked down
on employers who hire illegal aliens and
undercut American workers.
The Senate has know taken up its own
immigration bill and one of the most
contentious immigration issues being debated
is whether or not to grant amnesty to the
estimated 11 million illegal aliens
currently residing in this country. I want
you to know that I am following this
debate closely and I am opposed to
proposals that would grant blanket
amnesty to illegal immigrants.
Amnesty sends the wrong message
to those who have entered our country by
legal means. Instead of deterring illegal
immigration, amnesty would only add to the
problem by encouraging more people to cross
our borders illegally in hopes of someday
receiving amnesty themselves. This could
cost taxpayers billions of dollars and put a
severe strain on our nation's social
services programs designed to aid the poor,
elderly and disabled.
In early March, I joined 67 of my
colleagues in sending a letter to Senator
Arlen Specter, Chairman of the Senate
Judiciary Committee. This is the committee
responsible for drafting the Senate's
immigration bill. The letter called on
Senator Specter to address the problems of
border security and enforcement of our
immigration laws before trying to create any
kind of new guest worker program and the
letter specifically called on Senator
Specter to reject proposals to reward
persons who have broken the law with
amnesty. Unfortunately, it appears that the
call was not heeded.
Please know that I am listening closely
to Middle Tennesseans on this matter and I
am working hard to curb the rising number of
people that enter our country illegally each
year at a high cost to American citizens.
Rest assured that when this debate returns
to the House of Representatives, I will work
to ensure that any legislation passed by
Congress is right for our country and
effectively addresses this serious problem
without encouraging more illegal
Stay in touch,
Member of Congress
P.S. Sign-up for E-News. Receive e-mail
about important issues and services for your
family. Just log on to my website at and click "Subscribe to
Representative Bart Gordon,
I appreciate the reply from your office.
However, if you're not in favor of blanket amnesty,
what type of amnesty are you supporting?
I can appreciate you joining 67 others in calling
for Arlen "Bring On The Illegals" Spector to do the
right thing for America. There is no surprise that he
took the opportunity to ramble about his family, but
endorsed amnesty. With his endorsement of amnesty please
have the first foreign flag wave over his old family
But, back to your reply. Please step up and become a vocal
support of America. I am a veteran and proud of our
country. If you draw the wrath of liberals and conservatives,
so be it. You will be recognized as a political and patriotic
hero in the vein of Jefferson, Lincoln, Roosevelt, and
Thank you for your service to Middle Tennessee and hopefully
to all of America.
David A. Bess
Monday, April 03, 2006
Politically Correct Reply From Senator Frist
Dear Friend:
Thank you for contacting me regarding comprehensive immigration reform. It is an honor to serve you as the Majority Leader of the United States Senate and a privilege to respond to your concerns.
Today there are 10 to 12 million undocumented aliens living in the United States, and many Americans believe that our immigration policies are in need of serious review. As a nation of immigrants who honor the rule of law, I believe we must make it a priority to secure our borders as a part of any effort to reform our immigration policies.
In order to address this issue I have introduced S. 2454, the Securing America’s Border Act, a billion-dollar down payment that focuses on border security and interior law enforcement and will enable the Senate to pursue comprehensive immigration reform. My proposal will add resources to border protection, give our immigration-enforcement officials new legal tools, invest in physical barriers and electronic surveillance equipment at the borders and make it easier for employers to ensure that they hire only citizens and legal residents. We need to make these investments because maintaining a secure border ranks among the most fundamental missions of any sovereign nation
While our country needs security at our borders in order to slow the flow of illegal immigration and enhance our national security, we still need to do more. A majority of the people who enter America illegally, after all, come here to work. Among other things, the full Senate will need to address ways we can balance security interests with our economy's labor needs. In the long term, our government needs to work on policies that encourage democracy and prosperity abroad which will also address our immigration crisis by reducing the number of people who feel that coming to the United States is their only option.
Let me be clear, I do not support amnesty, but I do understand the labor challenges facing our nation, and, as Majority Leader, I will continue to work with my colleagues to address this critical problem in the 109th Congress. On the basis of sound immigration policy, we can protect our borders, and continue to welcome legal immigrants, and in doing both we will improve the lives of all Americans.
William H. Frist, M.D.
Majority Leader
United States Senate
P.S. Please visit to register for my e-mail newsletter.
Thank you for contacting me regarding comprehensive immigration reform. It is an honor to serve you as the Majority Leader of the United States Senate and a privilege to respond to your concerns.
Today there are 10 to 12 million undocumented aliens living in the United States, and many Americans believe that our immigration policies are in need of serious review. As a nation of immigrants who honor the rule of law, I believe we must make it a priority to secure our borders as a part of any effort to reform our immigration policies.
In order to address this issue I have introduced S. 2454, the Securing America’s Border Act, a billion-dollar down payment that focuses on border security and interior law enforcement and will enable the Senate to pursue comprehensive immigration reform. My proposal will add resources to border protection, give our immigration-enforcement officials new legal tools, invest in physical barriers and electronic surveillance equipment at the borders and make it easier for employers to ensure that they hire only citizens and legal residents. We need to make these investments because maintaining a secure border ranks among the most fundamental missions of any sovereign nation
While our country needs security at our borders in order to slow the flow of illegal immigration and enhance our national security, we still need to do more. A majority of the people who enter America illegally, after all, come here to work. Among other things, the full Senate will need to address ways we can balance security interests with our economy's labor needs. In the long term, our government needs to work on policies that encourage democracy and prosperity abroad which will also address our immigration crisis by reducing the number of people who feel that coming to the United States is their only option.
Let me be clear, I do not support amnesty, but I do understand the labor challenges facing our nation, and, as Majority Leader, I will continue to work with my colleagues to address this critical problem in the 109th Congress. On the basis of sound immigration policy, we can protect our borders, and continue to welcome legal immigrants, and in doing both we will improve the lives of all Americans.
William H. Frist, M.D.
Majority Leader
United States Senate
P.S. Please visit to register for my e-mail newsletter.
Representative Walter Jones, North Carolina

Recently, Bill Kristol of the Weekly Standard wrote an article where he referred to several of my colleagues on the immigration caucus as "yahoos."
Mr. Kristol later went on to describe himself on Fox News channel as soft on "illegal immigration." Sadly, this point of view is not an isolated opinion.
Significant numbers of self-described conservatives do not believe that securing our borders and enforcing our nation's immigration laws should be the federal government's number one national security priority.
But Post 9/11, numerous lawmakers in Washington D.C. have come to the conclusion that for national security reasons alone our nation can no longer afford an "open borders" policy.
Consider the written testimony to the Senate Intelligence Committee on February 16, 2005 by Deputy Homeland Security Secretary James Loy.
"Recent information from ongoing investigations, detentions, and emerging threat streams strongly suggests that al Qaeda has considered using the Southwest Border to infiltrate the United States," Loy stated. "Several al Qaeda leaders believe operatives can pay their way into the country through Mexico and also believe illegal entry is more advantageous than legal entry for operational security reasons."
Loy also related the danger of infiltration through the extensive Canadian border, and concluded, "Al Qaeda and affiliated elements currently have the capability to produce small amounts of crude biological weapons, and may have acquired small amounts of radioactive materials."
FBI Director Robert Mueller also appeared before the Intelligence Committee. "Because of al Qaeda's directed efforts this year to infiltrate covert operatives into the U.S., I am also very concerned with the growing body of sensitive reporting that continues to show al Qaeda's clear intention to obtain and ultimately use some form of chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear or high-energy explosives material in attacks against America."
AND House Armed Services Chairman Duncan Hunter was quoted as saying that, "al Qaeda's interest in penetrating the U.S. from Mexico 'demonstrates that national security is unavoidably linked to border security,' and that funding border security must be a priority for this Congress."
The 9/11 Commission's final report of July 22, 2004 pointed out immigration-related failures or problems that likely contributed to the attacks. As examples of missed opportunities, the report notes that collectively the 9/11 hijackers: included known al Qaeda operatives who could have been watchlisted, presented fraudulent passports, presented passports with suspicious indicators of extremism, made detectable false statements on visa applications, made false statements to border officials to gain entry into the United States, and violated immigration laws while in the United States.
The report contends that because border security was not considered to be a national security matter prior to 9/11, neither the State Department's consular officers nor the Immigration and Naturalization Service's inspectors or agents were considered to be "full partners" in the national counterterrorism efforts.
To correct these weaknesses, the Commission made several recommendations including integrating the U.S. border security system into a larger network of screening points that includes the transportation system and setting standards for the issuance of birth certificates and sources of identification, such as driver's licenses. The Commission would also like to see a complete biometric screening system that also speeds qualified travelers.
Finally, the report stated that it is elemental to border security to know who is coming into the country. The report stresses that we must be able to monitor and respond to entrances through our ports of entry, working with Canada and Mexico as much as possible.
Make no mistake about it - this country desperately wants something done about open borders and the uncontrolled migration by people breaking the law.
I would also argue that a considerable number of illegal immigrants have no interest in becoming American citizens - as seen by the flying of Mexican flags in recent demonstrations across the country.
Let's also be clear that a minority of illegal immigrants are criminals - as witnessed by statistics indicating that 20% of our federal prison population is made up of illegal immigrants.
What we need now is to support the House bill that secures our border first, and then let's deal with legislation that provides legal temporary workers for our businesses with a component that emphasizes a renewed commitment to English, American civic culture and the rule of law. We do not have to go after illegal workers. We have to go after illegal businesses.
September 11th and the terrorist attack on London should be a wake-up call for this country. Business as usual is not an option. It is time to secure our borders.
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